This letter was pasted on this blog by… they don’t give their names. However, it is the same one that was posted elsewhere, except the writer’s points were answered by Jim Humble. His referrals to “User 96341” was the only name that the poster gave.
So I’ll relax, sit back, and let you read and consider for yourself.
I have been asked to repost the following here as an eye opener for those risking their safety and health on experimenting with a POISONOUS substance the following statements are just a few that are found on the MMS site and/or purported by others to “explain” how and why MMS works yet it is plain “bad science” –my degrees in developmental bio and the decades spent teaching pre-med and nursing students as well as even more years as a Science ed consultant compels me to refute the following:
1.- false statement: only “bad” microbes are ‘negatively’ charged and/or pathogens cant survive alkaline environments..
we must not be content to repeat what we have heard or seen written by those selling anything. ANY intro level microbio text will tell you that the following DEADLY pathogens exist and thrive in alkaline environments: enterococcus, erysipelous bacteria, listeria and yes even fungus like aspergillus which has become deadly to many. therefore stating only ‘good’ bacteria are alkaline is FALSE- also, ingesting an alkaline will make these pathogens more likely to cause harm, NOT “kill” them.
-According to experiments by Weichselbaum et al ” when gastric fluids become alkaline microbes do NOT lose their pathogenic properties”…
-also the info re : oxygen and microbes–there are plenty of microbes you DONT want harmed by the increased oxygen thats supposedly occurring and still more “bad” ones left UNharmed
-2. False statement:Good bacteria cant be harmed– what about GOOD bacteria that thrive in ACID environments ( almost all of the probiotics like lactobacillus). What is ingesting an alkaline doing to THEM??? while many cant make it past stomach acids, some DO and others do well in the slightly less acid but NOT alkaline GI tract, beyond the stomach, as well. if ANY bacteria or viruses are harmed, so too will the “good” bacteria.
3. False statement- harmless salts form-well salts ARE forming BUT the falsesness lies in their usefulness- the common salt thats forming?? mostly right in the gut .hence the nausea- any scientific evidence that ANY of the active CLO2 stuff thats making you so nauseated getting anywhere into the blood??? I have seen NONE. The mammal body is pretty good at keeping things where they belong, why would such a toxic substance as ClO2 be allowed to get into the blood at high enough quantity? Id love to SEE blood and intracellular levels of ClO2 after ingesting this stuffso too Id like to see the proof of its ability to get into the RBC–the membrane system makes it difficult at best for larger and unfamiliar molecules to simply cross the barrier membranes.
4. False statement- the CLO2 deposits onto stomach walls where it enters the body like other nutrients–well first off nutrients leave the gut via small intestines NOT the stomach, secondly the acids in the stomach would react with the CLO2 anyway.and make those SALTS long before it leaves the stomach–add HCL to your solutions and see what happens!
5. False statement–if you have nothing in the body below acid level/Ph7 there are no ill effects–ummm what about the acids in the stomach?? and what about those good bacteria- ACIDophilus etc??there ARE things in the body below that level and theyre necessary tooFYI HEALTHY microbes like lactobacillus require Ph range of 5.8-6.6 ACIDIC and
some pathogens like clostridium do well at 6.0-7.6–that is, they thrive even with alkaline environs!!when in a state of health human body is slightly ACIDIC
while blood is usally slightly alkaline at 7.4 ( arteries) and 7.3 (veins)
Urine Ph norms = 6.0
saliva Ph norma 6.0-7.4 and vary so widely it cannot be used to measure the entire body’s Ph levels
there are individual variations so that within a small range we each have optimum levels depending upon diet and genetics and other factors.
6. False statement–no chlorine is involved–that chlorine like odor when you mix it??? chlorine!! and IF its chlorine dioxide??? still poison-matter of fact if you inhale the fumes you will be inhaling chlorine or chlorine dioxide gas and may well end up needing medical attention!
7. false statement- ingesting MMS causes Ph changes of the entire body/blood to occur–no one has shown this to happen.
– in any case, any PH changes that may occur, are very quickly rebalanced in the body,and kept within very strict levels ( different for various tissues etc) UNLESS one is so ill as to be unable and then they face a probable DEADLY outcome. Theres a reason why saliva and blood are slightly alkaline and urine acid…why would anyone think playing around with this balance is GOOD???- except in presence of some very specific illnesses, you cannot change one’s cellular Ph safely. Have you seen people in acidosis or alkalosis?? I have…not pretty. tiny changes that dont upset the natural balance also dont do much of anything for invaders…they too “like” the same margins of Ph our cells do.
8. false statement–the nasuea/vomiting, diarrhea means a good thing–pathogens and toxins are leaving the body-maybe even a “herx”
if you ingest enough ‘common salt’ or salt water you will also vomit etc…like I advised to those doing the Salt/Vit c cure this too has very big risks. BUT this is NOT proof of a Herx!! or of healing or even detoxing–its your body screaming ” hey stop that”Not all negative symptom results can be called “herxes” regardless of whats causing them. that term has become way to loosely used and why we often have trouble getting other trained professionals to listen to us when a real Herx ( or other event poorly adopted) happensFYI as for pathogens and changing Ph-as far back as the “Principles of Surgery” by Nicholas Seim it was well known that altering the stomach’s acidity by making it alkaline will actually PRESERVE the virulence of pathogens and make the patient MORE likely to get deadly SEPSIS!! ingesting a strong alkaline is NOT therefore a ‘good’ thing. it will allow pathogens in the GI tract to become stronger and even to be passed further into one’s body.– saying chlorine dioxide is safe because we produce tiny amounts of it is patently silly. even WATER becomes toxic at high amounts. and anyone can look up ‘chlorine dioxide’ to see that its quite a dangerous substance. Citing its uses is like my saying that at one time ARSENIC was used quite successfully against spirochetes specifically syphilis. well, who here would want to ingest arsenic??
9. False statement- Malaria has been cured in Malawi and Uganda–
-I have intimate knowledge of the malaria situation in Africa due to my daughter ( grad student of anthropology who unfortunately for my gray hair travels out of this country a LOT). and I can unequivocably say that NO cure for malaria has been done there on any large scale IF AT ALL. Hundreds are STILL dying in hospitals from resistant parasites. I have a BIG problem with advertising ‘cures’ when I know them to be less than truthful.if they ‘fudge’ or exaggerate in one area then how can I believe the rest of the claims. I personally emailed the Ministers of Health of Malawi and Uganda and to this date None have been willing to say that anyone there used/uses MMS and that ANYONE has been cured of Malaria with it. Youd think theyd be bragging over their superiority if this happened. Id like to see PROOF from anyone of this happening as per the MMS website
10 false statement-resistance to this ( if it works) cant happen-
RESISTANCE can and does build whenever ANY microbe killer is used. period. This ClO2 cannot and does not instantly kill every last “bad” microbe all at once…IF it did why then do you need it for so long????? the microbes that are NOT killed are very quickly reporducing and those survivors are passing along their genetic know-how to get STRONGER. For the same reasons antibiotics are a big cause of the resistant bacteria we now face, taking ANY killer will do the SAME.using anything that puts pressure on another living thing to adapt will cause genetic changes ( mutationally or simply gradually with reproduction). ALL living things have one prime directive : survive and reproduce–and they will find a way to do so.and it doesnt take much time either–a few hundred generation with some microbes—and that can occur fast–some microbes have a generation every few hrs.Im guessing that with some more time I can even find for you microbes that lap up chlorine. many thought for so long nothing can grow with high methane- WRONG, high sulfur or temperatures-WRONG.nothing can grow in Ice- wrong- turns out that there is LIFE adapted to very last environment on Earth. And some are pathogenic in every area.
11. people are being cured–well maybe they ARE and maybe not–but not from this–from what? placebo effect perhaps ( at what cost or risk), perhaps by other stuff theyve done previously–after all many who try this have failed many times on previous treatments…maybe all they needed was healing time.and what of the folks on it over a YEAR??? where is their CURE??? and to what long term effects??
am I therefore saying no one should use this or any other supposed miracle cure??? NO -its not for ME to say that. BUT when we are exhorting others to take the same risks we must be VERY sure we have given them ALL of the correct information and not putting OTHERS in harms way!what I AM saying is that we must be much more careful about our “facts” and only then can we EACH decide in a fully informed manner which risks we each are willing to take. Id be happy to admit any errors on my part if you provide the substantiation.
and please dont compare to Rx drugs–when they dont tell us all the neg effects its as bad!! having information means WE become educated about the possible risks–whether its an RX drug or MMS–and when there are blatant false statements and bad science–we all have to stop and ask WHY
Im also pretty sure that if any of the so called miracle cures out there really are a global for-all cure, then we would all be “cured” . the fact that there are so many of us still ill proves to me that as yet it doesnt exists. Unfortunately for many illnesses, the individualness of the situation makes it that much LESS likely of a cure for all. so far all “universal” cure all havent stood the test of time.
IF any of you are truly feeling better after doing ANY cure, then may G-d Bless and may you continue to heal. BUT that doesnt mean that for others itd be a safe or healthy decision to do something so risky, especially blinded by the advice and what Ive read so far on this and other sites.
. we have to be willing to embrace facts even if theyre contrary to what you ‘believe’ or have ‘heard’ or seen as written by those wanting to sell their products.
continue to take, or do, what helps you but be open to the fact that you may be doing so at great risk and urging others to do the same while hiding ALL of the information ( including that which is opposite to your beliefs) is IMHO negligent.
and that would make us no better than Big Pharma who most of us can agree has a nasty habit of providing only the studies supporting their drugs while conveniently forgetting to print harmful outcomes!! Many of us would and DO take drugs with a long list of warnings…but at least we have been warned.Denying the WHOLE truth about ANY new cure-all ( and ALL things have good and bad about them) does no one any good.the people losing kidneys after doing Salt/C and many others terribly ill on other regimens are now being blocked and booted off many sites for sharing their experiences–‘too negative’ , ‘cant be true’ are the reasons. Is this what we want??
before simply accepting anything first understand the basic science behind unbelievable claims, then investigate motive and if the inventor understands the good and bad effects and finally balance the risks with benefits–and IF at the outset many lies/exaggerations are told and the science is all wrong ask yourselves–HOW can anything that’s said then be trusted??
and that’s one of many reasons why the Drs without Borders and the WHO etc arent going anywhere near this!!! too much is so very wrong they cant possibly take anything else seriously
and forget conspiracies—there are far MORE incentives ( monetary included) for any African nation to declare they’ve cured Malaria!!!! and that cute little stunt on the MMS site stating poor Jim Humble is feared for his life??? marketing gimmick folks–right off the pages of several internet marketing classes!!!
be careful out there and QUESTION for Pete’s sake
MMS works! I am living proof today because it does work, and there are many others like me. That’s all that truly matters. I keep my mind and heart open and always embrace all sides of any situation or discussion but skeptics are simply skeptics and that’s all they’ll ever be. Best to put them together in their box and let them eat each other alive. We’ll live a happy long life whilst they do so :))
Hi My name is david im writting a research paper on mms and how it works when it is inside the body. I would like to purchase a book on specificly the chemistry of mms , how it works with red blood cells and your explenation why it does no harm to the bad cells. Thank you
Hi David, I am a Lymphoma sufferer and can tell you that MMS had a very detrimental effect on my Red Blood cells. I tried it 3 times and on each occasion the MMS dramatically reduced my Red Cell count to the point of anaemia. I believe this may be due to my cancer being a blood borne disease. I am confident that MMS would work for other diseases but not for me unfortunately. Hope this helps.
Maybe coconut will help!
Posse Comitatus
Arrest the bastards that unlawfully took you’re food,or.r_gc.r_pw.&cad=b
Here adams read if you can understand you’re kind own ideas of life !!!!!
Alliance for Natural Health
Tue, 09 Aug 2011 15:34 CDT
Federal and state teams arrest people at gunpoint, destroy food, and seize assets – all because they’re afraid of unpasteurized milk and cheese. Please don’t let them trample the Constitution this way.
On August 2, there was an armed raid on Rawesome Foods in Venice, California, conducted jointly by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office, the FDA, the Department of Agriculture, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You may recall that we reported about a similar FDA raid on the same co-op last year.
The FDA is terrorizing people in privet co-op now, for drinking milk.
Adam you are a PONCE..
‘Basic biology – all the above molecules are found in ALL human cells, AND necessary for the survival and normal functioning. And CLO2 destroys them -a simple FACT. Adam, and anyone else – please respond to the previous sentence. If you cannot refute this basic biology truth of oxidizing agents, then the entire claimed premise of MMS falls apart.’
Unfortunately you did not respond to this mans question and then proceeded to do exactly what he said you’d do…
‘Yours, and others answers, always avoid science and tend to distort my arguements. As always you and others bring up the usual song about big pharma as a diversion tactic to avoid addressing reasonable scientific arguments.
Adam, you cannot on one hand use science (Humbles incomplete and false explainations of impossible mechanisms for MMS) to support it’s use, then on the other hand throw out the science that does not agree with your belief system. This group reminds me of creationists/anti-evolutionists.’
hahahahah you are an insult to logic and human cognitive abilities and a fool selling snake oil. Admit it, be a man.
I don’t know what to think. I have recurring bladder cancer and when I go off MMS it returns; as soon as I start it again, it stops growing and the surgeon is always puzzled as to why what look like advanced stage tumors are only low-grade, non-invasive cancer. I would like to be part of a study that investigates the long-range danger possibilities of this drug. Some of what I read is scary, but the results have been to obvious in my case to dismiss. My MD’s so far aren’t willing to touch this with a 10-foot pole. Why the BCG that almost killed me is fine but this isn’t, I don’t know, although reading some of the alleged chemical poison possibilities is frightening. As is bladder cancer…
Sir Hamble , thanks for the great work you are doing all over there world mainly in africa . i have read much about you and witnessed what you are doing . am a ugandan musician/saxophonist but SA bassed, i have just released my album MOSQUITO its the tittle because i have been seeing thousands of african children dying of malaria. so i will be holding a concert in uganda soon this year, and so i had to write in to request you in joining me on this concert or sending one of your representatives to speak on my concert . i will be happy to hear from you, and listen to my music clips on the web
Kirya Kuti
poison cures a lot of things! chemotherapy is guess what? a chemical! MMS is guess what? chlorine. We put it in our pool to kill algae, does it kill us, not unless we put too much in and swim everyday, will it give us cancer later? Possibly! Do I filter out chlorine before I drink the water? Yes, absolutely. One mans poison is anothers medicine. If I was on my death bed would I try MMS? Yes….
Hi palpable
Your arguments were great.It gave another side of the story and are highly appreciated.Do you maintain any blog or website
After reading these comments its occured to me that the world is full of noise some are good and some are bad but it leaves you with a choice.
Personally for me MMS is totally cool and I feel Jim Humble rocks if the dudes that wrote negative statements truly believe them then let them burn they have a choice and if the truth be know they are mostly likely the PARMS spreading this rubbish to confuse the masses.
The good thing is Jim you must really be getting under their skin for them to be bothered more power to you!
Adam is not anti MMS, he is anti alternative medicine altogether and is not only arguing with us here
copy of the head of Vinton McCabe letter…
“Open Letter: Adam, Sam & Rhys
October 29th, 2010 § 16 Comments
Well, the Flying Monkeys have come and gone. And, funnily enough, they have decided that they like being called Flying Monkeys. I think that’s because it stirs up happy memoirs of the Wizard of Oz. All well and good. Might as well be called Flying Monkeys as trolls. Long may you fly, guys, have fun.
Here’s what I learned as a result of their “visit.” First, that they tend to arrive en masse and see if they can intimidate and, if they fail to do so, they move right on to the next target. (I read one Tweet that said that arguing with me was like arguing with an evangelist and advised his readers to “move on.”) Oh, well.
Second, I learned that, in spite of the fact that they make a remarkable amount of noise, they have very little to say.”
Well said Vinton McCabe
Oh yes, and some of the other anti alternative medicine -fanatics on that blog sound also very familiar…
You’re wrong, Monika, I am not anti alternative medicine altogether, I am just anti quack medicine.
By “quack medicine”, I mean medicine that is either known, through research, to be ineffective (such as homoeopathy), or medicine which has no supporting evidence and good reason to think that it probably does more harm than good (such as MMS).
Now, it’s true that most alternative medicine also happens to be quack medicine. So I am anti most alternative medicine.
But some alternative medicine actually works, as as been demonstrated in clinical trials. For example, would you consider osteopathy to be a kind of alternative medicine? Osteopathy is actually quite a good treatment for some musculoskeletal conditions, and I saw an osteopath myself a little while ago when I was suffering from shoulder pain.
If I were ever unlucky enough to become clinically depressed, I suspect the first drug I would try would actually be the herbal remedy St John’s Wort. That is definitely a form of alternative medicine, wouldn’t you agree? But it also happens to have been shown to be effective in clinical trials.
Before the clinical trials of St Johns Wort, it was undoubtedly labeled quackery by certain people. Nevertheless other people kept on using it, and it kept on working for them, no matter how much other, more fearful, voices heaped scorn on them for doing so.
Lori, if you think that clinical trials of MMS are going to show that it really is the wonderful miracle cure that the folks who make their money out of selling it claim it is, you have to ask yourself why they are not doing those clinical trials.
If it really is a miracle cure, they did the trials, and that proved them right, then the whole world would take them seriously.
Now why would they not want to take an opportunity like that if they really believed that MMS was anything other than a poison?
Adam Pharmaceutical,
If you really think the people using and even retailing MMS should conduct their own clinical trials, then I hope you built your own automobile and bake your own bread from scratch. Or do you think conducting a clinical trial is like baking a cake, and anyone can do it?
As always, the people are waiting for the scientists to catch up and do the trials. We’re not stopping them — we’d love it. However, you know this already and are only engaging in meaningless rhetoric, aren’t you?
Actually I do bake my own bread, but I’m not sure what that has to do with anything.
It is always the responsibility of those who sell a drug to prove whether it works. That’s how it works for conventional pharmaceutical companies. You say you are waiting for “The Scientists” to do the trials. Does that mean we’re agreed that Jim Humble is not a scientist?
There are plenty of people who can help you do clinical trials if you don’t know how to do it yourself. With all the money that Humble is raking in from selling MMS to gullible fools, he could afford to hire them if he wanted to. But he chooses not to, because he knows perfectly well that they would show MMS up to be ineffective and harmful.
Adam Pharmaceutical Minion (Thanks for using that word about someone else, so the rest of us can now ignore common courtesy as you do)
I’m thrilled that you think the people who run the drugstores and the doctors who prescribe the junk your employers put out should be doing their own clinical trials. Maybe everyone who took the drugs could do their own clinical trials on themselves. That might keep people from falling victim to your mendacious, greedy employers.
Lori, I think you may have misunderstood what I mean by “those who sell a drug”. I’m not talking about individual pharmacists, but about the pharmaceutical companies who invented the drug and who manufacture it.
It is their responsibility to do clinical trials with their drugs before they are allowed to sell them. You do understand that that is the way the pharmaceutical industry works, don’t you?
If the MMS folk want to be taken seriously, then they should do clinical trials with their product. If they refuse to do so, then the rest of us will continue to consider them to be quacks.
Adam Pharm
Sodium chlorite has been sold for oral consumption for about 80 years in health food stores. Jim Humble never claimed to have invented it. Who knows how long it has been manufactured for all sorts of other purposes? Just who are these inventors and manufacturers you’re after here? Do you even know?
The Pharmaceutical industry has lied and covered stuff up (like Vioxx) resulting in thousands if not millions of deaths. Only people who are paid to believe them believe them any longer.
Well, Lori, if you truly believe that, good luck to you if you’re ever unlucky enough to need surgery. You might want to take MMS to avoid the pain, but if it were me, I’d prefer to take my chances with modern anaesthetics.
Anyway, Humble may not have invented MMS, but he’s the one promoting it as a health cure. It is his responsibility to find out if it works.
Adam, My doctor put me onto mms, even though she’s unable to let her seniors or colleagues know that she has done so because it’s not endorsed by the FDA or the medical practice in general. Therefore she’s unable to record the positive effect it’s had on my condition even though the medical tests are there to prove it.
I’m sure there are hundreds of thousands of people out there in the same situation, I know of about 25 cases personally. She’s happy that her patients are getting benefit from using mms and all tests show that organ functions etc are better than ever.
Official clinical trials are very difficult, expensive and time consuming to organize and carry out and usually need to be conducted through or overseen by a government body of some sort to be justifiable by modern medicine and that will never happen as long as the FDA is against it- and as long as there’s NO real money to be made by proving its effectiveness.
One day, somebody with a lot of spare cash might conduct one but there’s no real point if, all those that need healing, try it and it works!!! “Proof” is only required for skeptics like yourself.
Why are you so hard core against it if you’ve had NO personal experience with it? Why the continual attack without the personal knowledge? Seems a little strange.
Adams works for the federal mob ,
If you want proof then read the population reduction act or check the video by bill gates was that F D A approved ?
Here is a real criminal telling you how the F D A is going to take care of you
IF YOUR PUBLIC MOBSTERS STATES THAT THEY NEED MORE TAX DOLLAR !! THEN READ CAFR BY WALTER BURIEN!/mail/InboxLight.aspx?n=1739400316&fid=1&fav=1!n=2056868585&fid=1&fav=1&mid=e2260b2a-d348-11e1-96a6-00215ad801ce&fv=1
I am not sure where to post this…cant seem to find a homepage or the like. Anyway I am hoping you might be able to comment on the following
I am a big fan of MMS and after trying it about 7 times I can say it does indeed work….however..and this is a bit silly i know…. last night I had unprotected sex with a “lady of the night”, and after the animal in me died down a bit, I started thinking “what the bloody hell are you doing!?”…I rapidly became panicky and immediately got the mms out and made a very strong solution and soaked my entire member in it, with foreskin pulled back to expose the mucousy membrane. I did this 2 times in succession and then made a third solution which was poured into a mist sprayer and i sprayed the aforementioned area…..then went to bed leaving it to soak (actually i sprayed it 2 or 3 times).
Now…although i am big fan of this stuff I think i may have ventureed into uncharted waters with this latest escapade….actually i was half expecting to wake up this morning with a charred sexual organ since i have read activated mms has a similare acidity to stomach acid, which is pretty potent stuff.
So…cut a long story short…i really went to town with this stuff as I have has STDs before and they were not exactly fun (one was quite serious)….just fear i suppose….
my 2 questions are
1…is applying mms to a male organ, in copoius amounts, likely to kill any dangerous bacteria that i might have been exposed to (STDs) ?
2. Can you overdo it?. i mean exposing the penis to so much mms is this possibly harmful? I am not familiar with the topical aspects of MMS treatment
I have to say my penis is a bit raw (i was quite rough with it, so as to get good absorption) this morning but still appears to be in one piece. I was considering starting a 10 day oral ingestion protocol in case i have indeed picked something up and the soak-fest of last night wasnt effective
okay….yes i realise i am dumb but there you go…..
I really hope you can offer some feedback anyway…..
and as for the guys that were extensively dissing this stuff in earlier posts I would say to them go to hell…..which pharmaceutical company or government agency are you working for? lame parasites like you just hold humanity back…and for what? Money? Cos someone above you told you to do it? get a life FFS
okay….thats it. Thanks for this blog BTW.
What compelled you to take such drastic steps after the fact? Can you overdo it? Yes. Exposing the penis to 140 degree water can be harmful. You can answer this question yourself.
well its been 2 days and im okay…..considering the MMS is only active for 1.5 hours i reckon im fine.
why so drastic? well I couldnt write it in the original post cos it would have been too long……the woman in question is a friend of mine who is known for jumping into bed with people….a year ago we had sex and i had the most terrible herpes reaction (i already had herpes) coupled with what appeared to be chlamydia which eventually turned into epididimis (these were new) and the whole thing was a veritable nightmare. anyway as you know i jumped into bed with her again and have to say i noticed she was giving off an odour that made me suspect all was not well on the inside…and I just didnt want to go through all that crap again.
love the way you say “after the fact”…..
hello all again…..feel i should contribute further to the ever growing credibility of this mms stuff. I dunno how many people are actually going to read this but anyway…
The episode above has turned out well and my phallic member is in great shape…I am not suggesting anyone do what I did, but the fact stands that all the above is true and I have suffered no harmful effects, and even more importantly i didnt pick up any STDs either. It just seemed the right thing to do at the time, as I was able to find information online about similar methods to quell STDs (but using different solutions). In particular there was one reference to soldiers in the first world war..the army had a special doctor who would apply various tinctures to a soldiers penis within 3 hours after a “fact” (having sex with french prostitutes), and it was nearly always successful in preventing nasty occurrences. In fact it was this information that led me to take the plunge with the MMS.
That said…I can now add another MMS tale to this thread. For about 2 years I have had a discomfort at the root of my upper and lower molars, chewing was painful and had to be done on the other side of the mouth, and every now and then blood would appear in the painful areas after using a toothpick. Obviously something wasnt right but I was able to live with it because it wasnt all that bad. However, it gradually got worse….pain increased in intensity, chewing even soft stuff was a definite no-no, and around 3 months ago I noticed symptoms of bad breath; mild to begin with and slowly getting more noticeable – i could actually “taste” my bad breath. This was cause for alarm and so some online research revealed that I was probably suffering from an abscess of some kind, which is basically a pocket of infection, right under the tooth at the root,
According to people online this is actually quite a serious thing to have and can lead to some other rather nasty stuff. So 2 weeks ago I hit the MMS once again… begin with i used a toothpick to create a “channel” in the gum (between the teeth and leading down) leading down toward the root area (it wasnt as painful as it sounds, although i have no idea if actually reached the infected area, you can only go so far without causing yourself excessive pain) and then used activated MMS to forcibly swill into the affected areas….this method did seem to reduce the bad breath somewhat, but after a matter of days i felt (with my tongue) that some of my teeth were slightly different in texture, as if the mms was wearing the outer layer away…..i quickly decided that this was a bad idea and so stopped in favour of the normal protocol of oral ingestion…..guess what…..pain is now gone, bad breath has diminished to almost unnoticeable levels and i am only up to 10 drops 3 times a day. i plan to increase the dose till i hit 15 drops 3 times daily, hold that for 3 days, and then gradually ease off. My guess is that yet again MMS has done the trick and I am not faced with root canals or any life threatening developments.
Understand this people…MMS WORKS! yes my approach was rather unorthodox but there you go…had i have been more “orthadox” perhaps I would now be sat in some dentist’s chair having a root canal….my system loaded with evil corporate medication….all capped by a pair of swollen testicles and a bell-end swimming in grim discharge.
so…..’nuff said
it looks as though this addition might end up in between my 2 previous posts…so it might be the one below this should be read first…wont know till i hit the submit button
nope..they appear in the correct order
Dev, did You cure Your epididymitis with MMS or antibiotics?
really sorry mate i only just saw your question
i cured the terrible epididimus with a heavy dose of doxycycline and keflex, which are both antibiotics..doxycycline is always called doxycycline but keflex often goes under a different name so look it up online. I took both these antibiotics together after finding the info online…i did go to a doctor initially but he was charging 40 bucks a go and i wasnt prepared to throw that kind of money around..i feel i got lucky cos its quite a nasty thing to have and can lead to other grisly stuff.
that said..i did try curing it with MMS at the beginning but it didnt work….sorry to say
by the way
mine was quite advanced by the time i hit the antibiotics….it began in the left testicle and i hit the mms, but like i said it didnt work and after a few days it gravitated to the other testicle…that was when i hit the pharmacueticals….bummer was I was on holiday at the time and i couldnt bear being in the sun even for a minute…apparently a side effect of the doxycycline. Amazing what info you can get online these days.
Dev, thank You for sharing information! Well, I have tried plenty of antibiotic courses (including Doxycycline), but none has helped my case – the symptoms are still here and I think it’s chronic (about 2 years). I dont know exactly if it is caused by bacteria or other organisms, but information I have learned points to that. The doctors I visited are pretty ignorant and I have wasted lots of money on them.
For how long did You got the epidydimitis when You began the antibiotic treatment? And how long did You take them?
You can reply on e-mail if You want:
Ah, I think I have just figured out what is going on here. I think I have been foolish and wrong all along.
I have been posting earnest warnings about the dangers of using MMS, thinking that there might be poor souls out there who really are using the stuff in the genuine but mistaken belief that it would be good for them.
But I now see I was wrong. This is all just an elaborate wind-up, isn’t it? No-one is actually daft enough to drink bleach in real life, are they? You’re just posting all this stuff here so you can all have a good laugh at people like me who take it seriously.
Well, I have to admit it, you got me. I fell for it hook, line and sinker.
But when faced with a story like this, the truth becomes a bit clearer. It’s simply not credible, even for a minute, that anyone would really soak their John Thomas in bleach. This just has to be a wind up.
Anyway, congratulations on fooling me. I feel a bit daft here, but I can see that it must have been side-splittingly funny for the rest of you, and I don’t begrudge you that.
Yes, Adam Pharmaceutical, you are funny– though for a different reason than you think!
mate…. you are so obviously a shill of some kind. This would be rather annoying but for the fact MMS is kicking ass all over the world and nothing you say or do can change that…..come join the future brother.
If the “future” involves covering my todger in bleach, I shall stick firmly in the past thank you very much.
Although I still don’t believe that you were really crazy enough to actually do anything like that.
i dunno…i mean whats the point of lying about it? there is an evolution of human consciousness going on and deceit and lies are just…well they are just pointless arent they.
and anyway, no one is asking you to bathe you todger in anything..i was just relaying an experience…take from it what you will. Consider yourself lucky i didnt make a youtube vid of the whole thing….hehe
I have been researching MMS for about a week now. I have read many articles and watched practically all the videos posted on youtube and other hosting sites. I am also a big advocate of Dr. Robert Becks protocol using Colloidal silver and magnetic pulsing. Based on what I have learned in my research about Jim Humble and MMS. I find Jim very credible and I believe he is truly is helping people. I have since bought his online book and ordered my first bottle of MMS.
Thanks Jim
Keep up the good work
My personal story in trying MMS:
I had a bad cold and cough 3 weeks ago and tried low doses of MMS (1-2 drops with 5 drops of lemon juice per drop of MMS) and while drinking the first glass of water with MMS in it I had 2 sharp pains-one on each side of my lower stomach. I thought “Oh dear” this is not good- but other than that I felt no reaction. So, I waited and in the evening tried another drop and did this for 3 days and then started on 2 drops trying to be very careful and safe. After about 5-6 days suddenly my entire stomach starting hurting- so I quit. It has been just over a week and my stomach is a wreak. I am bloated, full of gas and it hurts constantly when I try to drink or eat much of anything. It is horrible. I haven’t seen an MD yet as I keep thinking it will get better-but I am not. I will feel so stupid trying to explain to any doctor what I ingested and I imagine they will be lost as to what could have happened or what to even do to help me.
I will never believe another thing about anything I read on the internet or believe any one selling a product. I have learned my lesson. I am usually very careful about what I believe and who I trust but I made a BIG mistake this time. I have been to two chiropractors who do muscle testing and they couldn’t figure out much. One said it screwed up my (spelling?) Illeocecal valve in my stomach, my pancreas, and my small intestine -but who knows. It did something to my stomach that is trapping gas and bloating me and making my life hell. Since it hurts to drink much I am not getting enough fluids. No-it is NOT a healing crises or a herx. I also had an acupunture treatment today and that hasn’t changed anything either. To say the least I am frightened and feel like the biggest fool alive right now. So, if any of you out there (that actually tell the TRUTH) would please comment and tell me if you have experienced anything like this as a side effect and if so how long it took you to recover-if you did-I would appreciate your response. I tried to email Jim Humble’s camp with this question several times and but got no response. One time someone did respond about a question on dosage but didn’t say much except, “Buy the book.” So, it is hard to believe they are only out to help people and not make any money.
Oh, one other thing. I bought my bottle of MMS last year and did try it ONCE last year and only one time at a low dose. At that time, I read from Jim Humble’s comments on the internet that you can breathe in the fumes from MMS a slight bit to help your sinuses. You were to not breathe deeply but just get a whiff of it. I think I mixed 2 drops and sniffed it without breathing it in after I mixed it with citric acid. Then, afterwards drank the 2 drops in water. I thought I would have to go to the hospital! I got so sick and felt depressed. It affected my brain terribly. So, I tried it once then and said I would NEVER take it again in my life. But, I read that some people react badly to citric acid and I wondered if THAT was my problem and maybe I should try lemon juice drops instead of citric acid if I ever in my life tried it again. I also realized to NEVER EVER sniff the toxic stuff.
Well, I didn’t listen to what my body told me a year ago and decided to try it once again a few weeks ago for the second time in my life using the lemon juice drops instead of citric acid -and not sniffing it. I guess having a cold and cough can affect your good judgement. And, both times-once last year and once this year- ended up to be HORRIBLE. I have learned my lesson and wonder why on God’s green earth people refuse to discuss possible side effects of MMS. Why do people make fun of others who have experienced side effects from MMS on various internet sites?! No wonder the world is in the shape that it is in. If you tried it and it worked for you- great. But, don’t say it hasn’t or won’t hurt anyone else. And, if you dislike the government, then stop doing the same things that make you angry at our government-that is trying to hide the truth. It is all very ironic isn’t it?
I believe people should have the right to make decisions about their own health without government intervention. But, when side effects are kept under wrap and no one tells you what damage it might do-that is just bad. Again, please respond if you know how to help me with my MMS side effects. Thank you.
The best way to avoid MMS side effects is not to go anywhere near the stuff in the first place.
Obviously it’s going to have side effects: it’s a well known poison. But of course the folks who make a living out of selling it to you won’t tell you that.
That might be OK if it also had beneficial effects, but it doesn’t.
Throw your bottle of MMS away and chalk this one up to experience.
That person was/is actually fictitious, although you wouldn’t care. They were not being truthful about their identity, so their account, which itself sounded implausible, was even less plausible. And yet, since you have no knowledge of your own about MMS, you’re perfectly willing to believe, or perhaps hope that what she said was true so that you can paste your same old one-dimensional reply.
Strange Adam (1), but I was wondering about this myself, but I gave the writer the benefit of no doubt!
It would not surprise me if after not being successful to shut us up, they start writing fake testimonials. They admitted writing I find Doctor Paul Morgans answer fits the situation. What is good for FDA medicine, should be good for MMS too, or even more so, since a approved drugs should not have more but rather less side-effects than MMS has!
Sorry, some words disappeared:
They admitted officially online, writing fake reviews under MMS books, so what would be the difference?
Hi there
I see this was a little while ago and I hope you feeling well by now. Sorry about your bad experience with MMS, and I wish I could help. I cannot see anything that you did which could explain why you reacted the way you did. I’m a user and so far I can only report good result. But that does not mean that I believe that everybody else must react the same way I do. I think anything can be good for many people, but is not good for some. Even food, like gluten for example, can make some people very sick whilst it has no effect on the average person. Same with FDA medicatio! Whilst many have no problem with it, there are those you react very bad to it. Something which off cause nobody can predict or know before hand, not even a doctor.
Quoting Doctor Paul Morgan on the subject of reacting to medicine, which I think goes for anything we digest, including food:
“The question of safety and efficacy for a medication has to balance the risks against the benefits. Some drugs have proved too toxic for use and never get licensed or get withdrawn as a result of post-marketing surveillance. As part of the clinical trials procedure, data is gathered about all possible adverse effects which might be related to the medication in question. Many reported adverse effects are no more than coincidence and many are no more than an irritation. Some are more common than others. Some can be pretty serious and nasty. What you won’t gather from patient information leaflets are the frequency of the adverse effects, particularly when that adverse effect is rare and idiosyncratic.
It’s all about the balance of risks – if an antibiotic has an 80% chance of curing an infection compared to a 1 in a million chance of a serious adverse effect, my money is on the antibiotic.”
So it looks to me like you are amongst those 20% of people who react to MMS, like many react to FDA approved drugs, and I sure agree that you should have stopped earlier and not increased your drops as long as the 1 drop made you feel worse than you felt before. That is what Jim always tells us.
maybe you have an allergy to MMS or the acid or something else you digested at the time. Well, the damage is done and I can just hope you are well now dear, since we are all just trying our best to help each other. But sometimes it seems our best is simply not good enough simply because we are not all alike!
God bless you…
As I mentioned to Adam, that individual was not being honest. Of all the emails on the planet that could have been given, I happen to KNOW the individual that owns the one that was used. There was a desire to cause a stink where none was warranted, to MANUFACTURE apparent credible evidence of harm while being dishonest about one’s self. If a person chooses not to be honest, and prefers to convince others that they have been “victimized,” then they are not seeking to help anyone, including self.
Hi Adam Phaelosopher
If “Not Feeling Well” is lying, and has admitted to lying, can’t you just get rid of the lie or at least superimpose a disclaimer on it? The reason is, people will read it without knowing that it’s a lie, since the revelation only comes several replies later! So the lie is still doing its work.
Hi Lori,
I not only know who owns the email address “Not Feeling Well” left, I called and spoke to him. We both laughed about it, since he recommends and sells MMS (along with other health-related products) himself! Not Feeling Well’s account sounds like it was written by a woman. I could have deleted it, or even edited it… perhaps I will.
The first inclination that anyone will do is to believe that the source is credible, unless they’ve fully discredited themselves like the NaySayer gang. But people who really want to get well tend to ask questions and interact differently than folk who only want to foster disbelief. They try to convince others to distrust their own positive experience, instead of trying to gain one for themselves, whether through MMS or something else.
So my first response to Not Feeling Well was no response, even though I instantly knew about the email. She later wrote again, pasting the same account on another thread, which I deleted. Then she wrote again claiming that I only allowed what I wanted to hear on the site. It was then that I let her know what I knew to be true. She hasn’t written in since that time.
Thank you for the suggestion.
OK! Just got the rest of the story. It’s incredible, the lengths that some idiots go to. Human nature still baffles me at times.
Hi, I’m sorry you’ve had a bad experience to the mms.
I’ve been taking mms on and off over the last two years and have never had pain in my stomach. I can often take up to ten drops at a time, mixed with water and fresh orange juice and usually drink a large glass of water beforehand. (I always use clean filtered water because when using water directly from the tap, it seemed to give me a headache. I’ve been told that its probably due the amounts of heavy metals etc.)
Maybe you had a small ulcer, or similar that flared up due to the mms. Have you had your stomach checked?
My father always had cholesterol and heart problems and was told by doctors to take several aspirin a day to thin the blood. Eventually he developed several “holes” in his stomach that caused major pain whenever he ate or drank. Unfortunately I won’t recommend mms to help him with his other problems, solely for this reason.
I hope you find a solution to your problem.
Can’t read this very clearly at all in blue font on black background. Can you change the font to white, or other light color?
Hi Sally,
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It’s fixed now.
Jim dont trust anyone . I once trusted a federal Mobster and he screwed me and I am no one but then look at J F K and he was a president , so now tell me Jim from what I’ve just wrote whom do you trust ?
Thank You Joe L’Amarca
sir humble i am asking you please to visit Jamaica and spread your news about MMS here i am sure you will get a lot of support when you are done and everyone see that your solution really works… i am trying my best to spread the news but the people are too much i am telling you sir if you visit this country i don’t think you will regret it so many people out here are seeking “cure” and therefore suffer the consequence of the BIG PHARMA….PLEASE REPLY TO ME SIR
MR. Humble i am asking you please to get that miraclemineral solution in Jamaica you can even visit the savanna-la-mar hospital please reply… Many people out here are suffering from all sort of diseases and that BIG PHARMA IS NOT DOING ANY GOOD TO THE NATION please make an effort i ask of you sir……..
I have been reading over these forums for 6 months now and just want to commend the MMS proponents for their grand COPY PASTE abilities. Every time I go to look at the comments its the same made up names and same responses. This whole elaborate scam has to be just one guy with absolutely no life that thinks other people raising reasonable questions about the proposed mechanism of what he says is the cure to EVERYTHING. So really Jim Humble, I should apologize to you. Im sorry if I wanted questions about your fake solution answered in an empirical form that could be reviewed by people other than yourself with fancy degrees and pockets weighted heavy with the kickbacks from big pharma. Im sorry your a demented old man who probably wishes no more to cure another human being than to engineer a conspiracy to become rich and stop at nothing to make it happen; however, I am most sorry that I have spent so much of my time reading these websites in the hopes that you might actually address a claim in fashion that does not simply pass off skeptical contentions as idiotic and meaningless.
Jim Humble, you get the award for the worst book written ever. Yeah, I read it and it was just a bunch of ramblings and told you so’s.
Jim did you know that Bruce Might work for that secret society that maybe it belongs to the Pharmaciutical company do a google search on Tullio Simoncini they destroyed that men
Thanks Adam, I was more concerned about the quality of straight pool supply store, pool shock than pure MMS (if there is such a thing). Does the source make much difference? Are pool grade chemicals really OK for ingestion?
Regarding his willingness to get better, I do wonder about that. When I ask him about that he gets very defensive. I can’t help thinking “thou does protest to much”. There is not much I can do about that. However I can help make sure he gets quality products. Pool shock just seems so crude?
Jim Humble talked about Calcium Hypochlorite, which is the chemical used in pools, and states that, when added to water, it creates hypochlorous acid, which is an acid that the body actually produces itself as part of the immune system. In VERY SMALL amounts, it can be used to bolster the amount of hypochlorous acid inside the body, which is the basis for what he referred to as, “MMS2”. If a HEALTHY body produces it on its own as part of its normal immune function, it’s not unreasonable to think that an unhealthy body may not be producing enough. He devised a way to safely get more hypochlorous acid inside the body. Notice that most sites that describe hypochlorous acid make no mention that it is produced by the body. The article linked above on “stabilized” hypochlorous acid from the National Institutes for Health does not indicate that it is naturally produced by the body. However, another company clearly makes the claim.
So in this case, the best thing you can do for, and to your brother, is to LOVE him, quirks and all. SEE him as doing what’s best for him, and support him however you can. He and you will be fine.
Best wishes and thanks for writing,
I have been reading the posts and MMS used properly sounds pretty good. My question is what if it is used improperly? My brother calls himself a whole food Vegan but over the last few years he has been taking more and more supplements to the point where now he only ingests supplements super food compounds and a little bit of wheatgrass juice and distilled water. His latest dietary change has been based on the information he read in Mr. Humble book. He has been ingesting straight pool shock. I do not know how much he is taking but in general he takes five to ten times the recommended does of supplements. He is now acting very erratic and his mental state seem to be degrading. Unfortunately he can’t see it, he sees this stuff as the answer to all his physical ailments.
How worried should I be?
Hi Mark,
ANYTHING can be used improperly, including MMS. “Over doer” personality types may use anything to exercise the trait. If ingested in stupid amounts, the body will simply expel the MMS, just like it does anything else that has gotten out of balance.
MMS may in fact, help your brother, if he is truly seeking to help himself. Not all people who say that want to be healthy truly mean it. However, if you say that his mental state is degrading and can’t see it, I would not be concerned simply because he wants to use MMS. It may actually help him, IF heavy metal or chemical toxicity are factors in his body chemistry. I would not worry simply because he found something unorthodox that he thinks may help him.
Best wishes,
Realize that pharmaceutical companies hire PR firms to esentially work for them on the internet spreading disinformation, attacking competition..etc
These irrational skeptics are nothing more than Pharma PR-trolls. Just keep that in mind..They can’t affort for MMS to be discovered and accepted the general public..the day that happends they will lose billions of dollars.
They can’t patent sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide.
MMS works! I bought some for my sister and she was skeptical ..she had the worst kind of cancer, she even lost all her teeth, but from MMS and now is cancer free! Do your own research! I am also taking it
Thanks for sharing, LJM. MMS really seems to be effective in the mouth. After brushing my teeth (with a fluoride free toothpaste of course
I swish for about a minute with 4 drops MMS unactivated in a glass of water, then swallow. The acid in your mouth activates it after about 45 seconds or so. I wake up with a “fresh” mouth every morning.
Recent experience with MMS. Went to the dentist to have a tooth removed. Tooth too strong. Refused to depart!! Frankly I don’t really want to lose it & think it should be crowned. Was left with a traumatised jaw, diseased gums, crying out with pain which was so strong it came through the paracetamol or aspirin taken (sometimes at double dose). 3 and a half weeks later still have partial paresthesia. As soon as I could I started on the MMS, & it certainly works. Without it I don’t get more than 3 hours sleep per night. With it I get 8 to 12 hours. The infection at 15 drops has almost gone. You’ll never convince me this is a placebo effect. What nonsense!!!
Jim.,just incase you read this.. Cancer patient.. leg and hip taking 10 drops a day (was twice a day) no-one can stop him.. refuses to stop.. feels it is the reason he is so well and blowing the doctors minds.. some treatment he was meant to have got cancelled. Another friend of mine.. also had an operation cancelled (girl thing) and I seeing her tomorrow and will get more data. She did do insane amount of mms in a short time as was terrified to have half her stuff taken out down there. di
wow. Every time dad and i took mms and had an infection.. including pnenumonia.. it was gone in 48 hours. we have exrays and more to prove it. with me it was a queen ant bite..gone in 48 hours. I did not vomit.. just had the runs. woohoo~!only on 6 drops of mms. No antibiotics needed. Dad accidently took around 15 drops of mms with 3 drops of citric acid. (he did it the wrong way around) He vomited for hours but did not mind…he felt fine and asked me to stop checking up on him as it was not a problem to keep getting up. He was mowing the lawn the next day..and he is 82 years old. mms no problem and sorry Jim you had to go through this long explaination but thanks for posting everything you experience.
I would ask for an apology, but I simply want to make clear that – Your above statement is an acknowledgemnt that everything I said was true and had a strong basis in science
Now that someone is teaching Mr. humble, you (and others) some basic biology and chemistry you can begin to appreciate my frustration.
Hopefully, you can see that I was not attacking anyone, nor making anything up. You can see I wasn’t a part of any conspiracy.
You guys were simply making up a bunch of implausible nonsense, and it made Humble, MMS sellers, and you, look very ignorant indeed. it also made me very suspicious.
So: Now that we agree that CLO2 reacts with ALL molecules with a certain oxidation potential, the same questions remain. Now you can see why I asked these questions.
1) What is its mechanism of action? In other words, How can it destroy harmful organisms/cells, and leave our normal cells/molecules unharmed?
I see no plausible mechanism, now that “the seek and destroy, but leave all good things alone” one is shot down.
2) Since it reacts with many human molecules, CL02 should completely react with our stomach and blood cells before it ever gets out into general circulation. How does this not happen?
3) Since it reacts with normal cells, could this not be the cause of nausea, diarhhea, and other “cleansing” reactions.
4) Since CLO2 destroys many molecules (amino acids) found in human body, what are the long-term consequences of using a powerful oxidizer.
Dear Palpable,
I have actually written you responses twice, and in each instance, something has happened that it did not go through, even when I took steps (or so I thought), to ensure that what I had written would not be lost. It was to no avail. And maybe that describes how this interaction has transpired over these past months. Yet, I don’t feel inclined, at this moment, to recreate what I wrote, for a third time, in response beyond an apology for any perceived hard feelings, for there have been none.
Best wishes,
Greetings to all : ) After researching chlorine dioxide for about 2 months and reading the numerous testimonies of all the people helping themselves by using MMS, it certainly is hard to deny that there is something beneficial going on. After all – A rotten tree does not produce good fruit.
I understand Jim’s concepts on how CLO2 will only destroy the weaker or diseased cells and pathogens due to it’s strength. The question i was left pondering after my research is – Are all anaerobic bacteria bad? And if there are some that are beneficial, might it destroy these also?
Hi Carl,
MMS understanding continues to evolve as more minds are applied to earnest research. The ClO2 molecule doesn’t single out anaerobic microorganisms. Its action is based on on any molecule that has a oxidation potential, a factor that determines how easily or readily an atom will lose or gain electrons. Chlorine dioxide has an oxidation potential of 0.96 millivolts. It will accept electrons from anything that has an OP that is less than that value, period. It’s not a matter of whether a bacteria or virus is “good” or “bad.” It’s simply whether their oxidation potential makes them subject to that of a more potent oxidizer. Chlorine dioxide will not affect any atom or molecule that has an oxidation potential higher than its number.
This is a new understanding for me, and may clear up some confusion. I hope this helps.
Boy! Phaelosopher and Palpable sure make a good tennis match! After reading from April 08 to Tropicalgeek’s 1st lecture(where I had to stop), I think everyone is RIGHT!!! Anybody heard of heartguard?…for dogs?…a little poison to help them live? Roy got me thinking about my dogs. Could this be the real debate?…maybe weight could play a crucial role in dosaging “poison for life”??? I’m just someone looking for a little help like every one else….Sure would like to hear from someone with real credability about this!
Adam, you continue to misrepresent my assertions. A typical ploy when one cannot engage in a real debate.
You say I dismiss others experience with MMS. I have not. Search my posts, if you will, and cut & paste example of me stating that MMS is not working for a specific person. You will see that I have said several times – “If something works, then do it”.
Do you deny that I have stated that? Seems pretty open minded.
Adam, why do you use personal characterizations, rather than debate the subject matter of science?
The second ploy from you is to state I am closed-minded. Your definition of an open mind appears to be: Agree with everything Jim Humble states, even if it is nonsense.
The nonsense is:
1) Mechanisms of action of MMS – that CLO2 will only react with harmful cells and viruses and will not react with normal tissue. This is biologically impossible.
2) Cancer cells are killed by oxygen
3) Anaerobic bacteria are bad, and aerobic are good, and CLO2 targets only anaerobic.
4)That “bad” organisms have a certain pH – and that’s the basis for MMS seeking them out, I guess.
5) CLO2 will NOT react with healthy tissue
And several other scientific questions are mentioned in my previous posts.
Adam, why don’t you, or Jim address the above?
Your third ploy/distraction is to pull out the tired “big pharma is bad” song – as if anyone disagrees – or as if that has anything to do with Humbles made-up science.
As usual, you lead the reader to think I’m a proponent of use of pharmaceuticals, and medical procedures – when in fact, you know from my posts I am alternative practitioner that uses homeopathy, herbs, etc. and rarely any drug. Adam, why do you continue to paint a false picture? That saddens me.
And the fourth, and main ploy, is to never directly respond to my specifics on the science and the made-up mechanisms of action of MMS. I’m still waiting.
Adam – are you willing to avoid personal attacks, and to answer 2 specific questions?
1) Adam, do you believe the following? CLO2 reacts (oxidizes) ONLY with harmful tissue – viruses, only “bad bacteria”, and cancer cells
2) And, do you believe that CLO2 does NOT react with (oxidize) normal cells and their molecules?
These 2 questions are central to everything about MMS
Please, do not fall back on the default “homeostasis” answer. That is avoidance. I originally posted pn this site to address these two claims by Jim Humble. These claims are in essence the basis for using CLO2.
These 2 questions are the reason I put up actual studies showing that CLO2 oxidizes (destroys) molecules found in humans and other mammals.
These 2 questions are the reason I quote Dr. Hesselink’s mechanisms – because you, and others, seem to trust only his thoughts on the matter.
Let’s try to discuss specifics.
As stated in scientific studies, and by Dr Hesselink, CLO2 kills microbes by oxidizing their amino acids.
So, with that in mind –
Adam, do you think the following statement is true or false?
CLO2 does not “know” the difference between a human amino acid, and a viral amino acid. It will oxidize both. (All organisms share the same amino acids for building all proteins)
1) If you think the above statement is FALSE – please explain how CLO2 can discern a viral amino acid (like tryptophan), from human tryptophan? (CLO2 oxides tryptophan)
2) If you think the above statement is TRUE – then CLO2 damages human tissues.
Boy! Phaelosopher and Palpable sure make a good tennis match! After reading from April 08 to Tropicalgeek’s 1st lecture(where I had to stop), I think everyone is RIGHT!!! Anybody heard of heartguard?…for dogs?…a little poison to help them live? Roy got me thinking about my dogs. Could this be the real debate?…maybe weight could play a crucial role in dosaging “poison for life”??? I’m just someone looking for a little help like every one else….Sure would like to hear from someone with real credability about this! please read this bill that McCain has proposed .
After you read this bill please broadcast it out to all your friends and neighbours that gimppy must go they inted to destroy all but three hundred million and you and I are not on that list.
Jim dont get involved with a federal mobsters those bastards have been killing people ever since the Roman Empire fell another thing is that if you Read the U S Constitution ! show me the authoraty that the chicken S? has over the individuals across this nation that they are trying to inprison .
I want you to read the U S Constitution and from there make your plan because the federals are like a relentless dog , always nipping at your angles .
Get ready , Your best defence is a multitude of friends they fear messive exposier Joe L’Amarca
Thanks to Jim Humble for his kind remarks about MMS. If the tree has so much fruits so they say, people will hit the tree until the fruit drop to the ground.
We are greatful that Jim Humble open the door of discovery to everyone who want to learn about this water purification or detoxification of the body.
It is not a drug so we do not need a doctor prescriptions.
Thanks Jim.
I have read too many positive reports of MMS working on this and other blogs, so I believe there must be something to it. But I think that Palpable’s explanations of the science behind oxidizers such as chlorine and oxygen are irrefutable. My biggest regret is that MMS didn’t work for me. I hung in there for a week, but couldn’t go any further because the MMS made me too sick. Even after the first dose of one drop, I was naseaus. It became worse with a headache, then finally diarrhea. I reduced the dosage, but the naseau and diarrhea didn’t really diminish. My body was telling me that my feeling sick was from the MMS, not from my body throwing off toxins. I had to quit today.
I checked the internet to see if I could find more information about MMS to decide whether I should stick it out, but Palpable’s science explanations persuaded me to stop. I believe anyone’s testimony of MMS working, and I hope MMS cures everybody, and I wish it had worked for me. So, everybody, I wish you continued success. And I ask that you be kinder to Palpable, who is only trying to bring undeniable facts to the debate. And Palpable, thanks for your information that helped me make an informed decision.
Jim first of all I want to thank you for your wonderfull discovery
My friend Johnn got foot fungus in Viet Nam and I had two toe nail infection thanks to your invention we have both got rid of our problem ,
Mr. 96341 he reminds me of two other problems that I personally had , one being the federal criminals and the other the I R S I got rid of those also dint need your help there and about the U S Constitution ! when you need help email me Joe Thank You
oh poor bruce… needs medicine..
get a CLUE loser.
another mms user thinks you are full of SHIT.
get a LIfE. or a better LIE
very very sorry you need to respond to a zip code jim.
we all appreciate mms, and YOU!!
-a user for 2 months now, safely!!
I am presently using MMS2 to treat psoriasis and herpes Zoster. The infection was beginning to effect my sight and the itch is almost unbearable. Today is day three of taking MMS2 and the itch has subsided greatly and the lesions are beginning to heal. I have researched the chemical reaction that takes place during a dosage of MMS2 and in small quantities it is harmless. Calcium Hypochlorite is whats used in MMS2 which is a source of chlorine but in a stable compound. When mixed with water it becomes hypochlorous acid which is what white blood cells make to destroy pathogens. My suggestion when taking this is to do as little as possible. My dosage is only 1/4 of a size zero pill. I weigh about 200lbs. During this process only drink purified water or distilled water so the chemistry is correct. No need to tell you how much junk is in city water or in well water. Do not take any iron supplements with this.
I am a 73 year old man that has had problems with blood pressure, prostate, pneumonia, and diabetice. I recently had a severe cough for five weeks that Doctors and antibiotics could not stop. I had been losing the use of my legs for two years with the bottom of my feet feeling as if two golf balls were underneath them. I couldn’t walk more than 100 feet without being complete out of breath. I had absolutely no energy. I learned of MMS on 11/10/09 and on 11/15/09 I took my first dose. Within 4 hours I was coughing up mucous. Within 24 hours my energy was returning after 2 years, and my prostate was greatly improved with less trips to the bathroom, and I was feeling so much better. Within 48 hours my cough was almost gone and I had returned to work. Thanks Jim for your fight against our helpful government that thinks they have to tell us how to do everything. I didn’t come from that school and thank goodness you didn’t either,
PS It is now 11/23/09 and I continue to improve including lowering of my bloodpressure.
Great news, Bill! What a life-altering change this has been for you. I’m curious about the dosage you started with and are taking now.
Someone we know recently started taking MMS after hearing about it from us for over two years – he finally decided to give it a go, and he’s noticed chronic shoulder/neck aches and pains have disappeared! This in under a week. He’s pretty healthy otherwise, just trying to be proactive.
Oh, and how encouraging that, at your age, you’re still working! Hats off to you, sir :). I have a fabulous father-in-law like that!
Very Happy to hear the excellent result Bill, 73 is a spring chicken lol.
Isn’t it a JOY to EXPERIENCE your body getting back to NORMAL?! As we realize that most pharmaceutical prescriptions PREVENTS the normalization of health rather than facilitates, the enormity of the ongoing medical SUBTERFUGE becomes apparent. Thank you for sharing your re-awakening to healthy normalcy.
Hi Adam.
Willard Custer said, the engineers, and skeptics who criticized his channel wing plane, dont know what they were talking about, just like some people skeptical about MMS.
The channel wing plane never went into mass production, because the university professors and engineers did not understand, and cant explain how this plane had extra ordinary lifting power, can fly with very low speeds,10-20 miles per hour, very short landing and take off very simple construction.Custer invented and build the channel wing plane in the 1920- 1930s but the engineers are still working on the principle behind it, Custer was ahead of his time and he is still ahead of our time, but I m sure it will be mass produced in the very near future.The bumble bee can not fly by the principles, that we understand.The Willard Custer channel wing plane may have the same principle behind it. I think this is a very interesting story also, you can read more about it, just google ; channel wing plane.
Fortunately, we live in a time of much greater open mindedness, that co-exists with myopic. Truth is, we need intelligent cynics just as we need the open minded in order to grow. A cynic can, at any time, open his or her mind, yet serve a valuable purpose before awakening. Fortunately, we don’t have to attach our own feelings or emotions to the timing of their shift, or whether shift happens for them at all. Knowing that it will, is enough.
The channelwing aircraft is amazing. Next time I go back home to Chicago I may contact them and go visit. There are some amazing things happening in the experimental aircraft arena. If the Custer operation connected with Dick Rutan, or was located in Mojave where Rutan’s operation (and I think others) are based, they might be further along. But then, perhaps we’re finally ready.
Hi Adam
I have not been to this blog for quite some time but i am very glad to see the excellent results mms has had for many people and i do laugh at the pathetic attempts of these so call skeptics trying to tell us black is white and white is black, anyway i just wanted to say that a friend of mine who had a painful lump just under his left pec muscle has completely disappeared and is no longer in need of surgery. so once again thanks for your excellent efforts Adam. Regards Jared
The lack of knowledge and false assumptions made by skepdics (yes, I can spell) continues to amaze me. Even when it’s explained to them, they don’t understand how the medical profession works. They aren’t treating us because they are nice, or it’s the right thing to do, or they are bored, they are doing it to make a profit – a large one. Rather than bore everyone with the same old facts, how the FDA requires million for approval and people won’t pay for it without the possibility of patent protection (this alone seems to be over too many people’s heads and it’s this stumbling block that the skepdics conveniently ignore) I would like everyone to simply go to the American Cancer Society’s website and take a look at the bottom of page 12 in this document where they state plainly that they will only give grants for people to look for “patentable” cures and even more atrocious, they want a piece of the patent. They are taking public donations, but then they operate like a company! Like the will only work for profit! If you think this kind of thing doesn’t happen in America, you are blind and, as a result, doomed. I have yet to see an intelligent skepdic have anything to say about the ACS and their blatant disregard for people’s suffering. The skepdics false assumption (that I have read over and over) that “if there were a cure, people would shout it from the rooftops and we would know about it” is retarded. The ACS doesn’t even want to help you unless it’s “patentable”, whether you have a cure or not – they flat out say so! They want you to obtain a patent and they want a piece of it! How much more proof do the idiotic skepdics need that something smells in the medical profession? We are shouting about cures but you moron skepdics are keeping them from being in widespread use because you refuse to point your skepticism where it belongs: in the medical profession’s treatment of chronic diseases! Wake up jerks! Now go look on page 12 near the bottom at the link I provide below and I hope you’re sitting down.
BTW, this is their mission and I don’t see anything about profit, it says “dedicated to eliminating cancer” and that is a big, fat lie.
“The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community- based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving
lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service.”
TO- tropicalgeek
Not sure if you are aiming your anger in my direction, but I’m the wrong target.
Having been an practitioner of alternative therpies for 25 years, and a teacher at alternative medical schools for 20 years, your labels would be hilarious to my students.
It’s hilarious because in the classes I teach I often rail against the AMA, MD’s, allopathic medicine, and especially Big Pharma. (Big Pharma is about as eveil as it gets).
Your tactic of dismmissing my argument by labeling, and attacking an individual is both ineffective and rather sad. As with others here, you will not address the specifics of my arguments.
Skeptic I am. No, I don’t believe everything told to me – do you?
You appear skeptical of medical treatment for cancer (I know I am). So i guess you are a skeptic.
Feel free to attack me and others if it makes you feel better.
if that’s so, then why the huge push for mms to have the same ‘proof’ as BIG P??
In science, efficacy of a drug is determined by double blind placebo trials. Up to 40% of those receiving any treatment have a strong placebo effect. Is the placebo effect responsible for MMS? Double blind replicable experiments would give the answer.
Belief is religion. Science is science.
” palpable
would you rather be right, or healthy??
seems your intellect/ego has been bruised, that’s all.
don’t worry, baby. weee’ll put a ban dade on it.
maybe some mms will help fix your po ego.
Hi Heather,
I’m not sure why you are asking me for advice on MMS. Unlike many on this site, and elsewhere, I’m not handing out medical advice. I am curious though – why are you taking MMS? You also mention having no period. How is that related?
As you have probably read, I don’t think it’s a good idea to ingest known toxins. The explanations of how it works are impossible. Note that Jim humble, nor anyone else has refuted my explanations. They cannot.
I wouldn’t touch the stuff. I have a filter to remove chlorine. I sincerely believe many will see negative effects from ingesting MMS. The negative effects may not show up for awhile, as in often the case with long-term, low-level exposure to environmental toxins.
However, many people report immediate symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea. That’s the body’s reaction when it is exposed to a toxin – microbial, or environmental.
People are getting sick from MMS. It is NOT die off, nor a healing reaction.
Jim humble is also purposely leaving out very important details on MMS and
In this article, Jim goes on and on about the benefits of HYPOCHLOROUS ACID (MMS2).
Here’s a QUOTE from JIM on MMS2:
“Hypochlorous acid is an acid that the human immune system uses to kill pathogens of all kinds throughout the body, and many other things that sometimes need to be destroyed.”
TRUE part: Immune CELLS use Hypochlorous acid to kill microbes.
Really get this: Immune cells swallow the microbes before they kill them.
This is called intracellular killing. Immune cells do not release Hypochlorous acid.
So all this killing occurs inside special compartments inside immune cells. This is necessary, because Hypochlorous acid is toxic and would kill your cells.
The main point that jim leaves out of all his ads/claims – is that there is no circulating Hypochlorous acid or chlorine dioxide in the human body. (do doctors test for it in blood tests – no)
These are deadly toxins which damage ALL living tissues.
Taking pills to increase circulating Hypochlorous acid will do nothing beneficial – only damaging. This acid – like all acids – when entering circulation, would instantly react with blood cells, blood vessels – before traveling a inch or two (you have 100,000 miles of vessels).
And please don’t think that immune cells could somehow take up the extra circulating Hypochlorous acid. It doesn’t work that way. And it would never get to them.
Think about hydrochloric acid in our stomachs. The stomach has special (miracle) lining that protects it. Place HCL anywhere else in your body and it would kill cells.
Heather, at first I thought jim was just ignorant of basic anything. But now its clear – he is purposely deceiving.
Hi palpable.
In my opinion, you are a very educated guy, and you try to tell us, MMS dont work. I use MMS, and thousands of doctors and health professionals, and millions of people around the World using MMS. So what you are saying, that it is impossible for MMS to work? For me, this make no sense. I think maybe you could explain why aspirin works or DMSO, or Homeopathic medicines, or any high blood pressure medicines work. MMS is not chlorine, and I dont know why you make the mistake , calling it chlorine. MMS is chlorine dioxide, and calling it chlorine is deceiving people. Jim Humble wrote a book on MMS and you could read it free, the first part, and if you ask,, you could also read the second part free of charge, Jim will e-mail it to you.I have no problem using MMS. I can use it even 5 or 10 times a day, but I would never use more than one aspirin, in one or 2 days. But I can not help you, You just have to find out things for your self. What I understand from your explanations, and if your explanation is right, what ever it is, it would mean that aspirin dont work or acetaminophen, or DMSO, or diltiazem or any homeopathic medicines, or any medicines dont work.
TO Gilgamesh,
I am saying it does not work by the proposed mechanisms. I’ve repeated this over and over. If jim is basing the effectiveness of MMS on these mechanisms, then it doesn’t work.
I’m glad you made the point about not knowing the mechanisms of many substances. If you read my posts, I said I would respect Jim if he said he didn’t know the mechanisms, and simply said “hey this stuff works, use it”
Instead he makes up false mechanisms.
THIS IS MY MAIN POINT: An acid or an oxidizer cannot selectively choose to react with molecules on harmful microbes or cancer, and not react to normal tissue. I’ve outlined this several times.
This is where i begin and end my argument.
No one has directly addressed this simple statement. Everyone who replies to me dances around it.
In nearly all my posts I refer to MMS/MMS2 as an oxidizer. However it is the chlorine atom that provides the powerful oxidizing effect (do you disagree?). Which means it rips electrons from other molecules. That is the mechanism, whether it’s a single chlorine atom, or CLO2. One mechanism only. Am I wrong?
I have read his book, and the MD’s very complete explanations of its proposed mechanisms. None of which address all my posted concerns.
I’m waiting.
Another point is the the distortion of immune physiology. Pleas read my post on MMS2, and that circulating hypochlorous acid (MMS2) does not occur. Jim purposely leads his readers to believe that there is circulating hypochlorous acid. I cannot emphasize this enough – it is this concept (circulating hypochlorous acid killing bad guys) that is the entire basis for taking MMS2.
So what would you think if you were me? Seriously ponder that. I have taught microbiology and immunology. There is a lot we have to learn about immunology, but knowing where hypochlorous acid is locate is not one of them, IT is only INSIDE the white blood cells. Never released into circulation.
As far as mechanisms for aspirin and Tylenol. They inhibit specific enzymes. If you read one of my first posts you would see that drugs, herbs, you name work by 2 main mechanisms:
1) inhibit enzymes
2) mimic or antagonize our chemical messengers or their receptors
Oh by the way, I use homeopathy….
wow, because no one refutes your endless repeated taunts here, they are palpable, er, actual fact?
wow, so that’s how science works??
in lieu of a refutation, your idea automatically becomes fact by default?
i seeeeeeee.
Yes S, that’s correct, my observations (er.. taunts, if you are a child on a playground) are not being refuted because they are actual facts.
No one refutes them because they are irrefutable.
By the way, where’s the “missing in action” Jim Humble? I’d welcome his comments.
Care to try your hand at disputing them? Good luck.
Thanks Adam,
Sorry, i was confused because i thought you were palpable, i don’t do forums often. Anyway, thanks for the animal link, i’ve passed that on to my mom. However, the pregnancy link was ok but i’m actually more interested in becoming pregnant and wondering if the MMS is the reason i have not gotten my period. Do you have any links on that, i still can’t find any. Thanks again for this forum
I experience your replys as if I’m on FOX news.
I make scientific arguments, you then attempt to muddythings by distorting what i say, or making up stories about my motivations.
Julie writes and claims she and her husband have science degrees – that she understands Jims science. (this is an appeal to authority technique) Yet she will not elaborate, nor point out where she disagrees with the science.
Both of you question my open mind, or heart. (an appeal to emotion technique).
As stated 4 or 5 times I am an educator.
As stated over and over I am explaining – as i do to my students – basic scientific concepts.
These known and proven concepts demonstrate the falseness of the PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS made by Jim Humble.
I believe people should make important decisions with as much information as possible.
So Adam if you can confine yourself to debating the science, that would be great.
However, I will.
One chlorine atom, 2 oxygen atoms.
Both chlorine and oxygen are powerful electron acceptors – they rip electrons from other atoms or molecules. This process is called oxidation.
Chlorine is chlorine is chlorine. It is one of the most reactive elements (high electronegativety). It oxidizes all organic molecules. It has no ability to choose what molecules it destroys.
Pour clorox bleach onany living tissue, abd molecules are destroyed and cells die.
When chlorine rips an electron its outer eletron shell is full, and it will no longer react. It is now chloride, like sodium chloride. Harmless.
Those are the 2 states of a single chlorine atom
Oxygen is a less powerful oxidizer. It too steals electrons from molecules, and causes damage to cells.
Bottom line: The above is OXDATION. It’s the only way CL and O can cause harm to any organism. And the point again is both will do it to any and all living organisms.
That’s why it’s highly unlikely that any CLO2 would even pass into the blood. it would react first react with mouth, throat and stomach cells before ever getting a chance to pass into capillaries.
Pour a little hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) – and oxidizer – on a countertop, then on your skin, then on a cut in your skin.
1) countertop – no bubbles, no oxidation. Plastics don’t react so much.
2) intact skin – maybe a few bubbles. probably kills some organisms, but doesn’t penetrate 30 layers of dead skin cells.
3) on a cut – bubbles like crazy. It is oxidizing your newly expose cells – killing your cells. Very lttle of the bubbles are from oxidizing bacteria.
Result – oxygen cannot choose what it reacts with. When the bubbles stop, the reaction is done. Oxygen is fully reacted and cannot search out other molecules.
Nor can chlorine choose what it reacts with.
Both will react with all living tissue, or other molecules long B4 they enter circulation.
Hi Palpable,
So this is scaring me, i just went to order more bottles of MMS and read this review of it killing this older woman. Here is the link I want to look into this more, how much did she take, what kind of meds was she on, etc. This is the first i’ve heard of a death or anything bad happening. Have you heard of this? Is it Legit?
The man whose wife died has made a post at another website. You can read his letters to the editor, the editor’s replies, and a letter from Jim Humble, too.
After reading all of them, I agree that it was a tragedy, but as the editor stated, we will never know if indeed the MMS triggered an underlying medical condition. It was a terrible thing to happen. Read the letters, and form your own opinion.
thanks so much for that article. I had a hard time taking the MMS this morning after reading about her death, eventhough my gut is telling me that it is working. We just found out about a friend’s family member who is dying of stomach cancer and was given till Thanksgiving. He was extremely interested in the MMS and i will continue to update his condition if he does indeed start the protocol. I do fear that the government, FDA will get there hands on this and take away the opportunity for us to heal ourselves. Here’s hoping that doesn’t happen.
Hi Heather,
I support your gathering the information you need to satisfy your sense of MMS’s efficacy. It’s natural to be anxious about stepping out of the comfort of public opinion, and relying on our own intelligence and common sense. However, the more you do it, the more you can trust yourself, especially when you’re truly seeking to affect positive changes in your life. You will find that MMS is not the only thing that can help “what may ail you,” but it can be called upon if needed.
Best wishes,
Hi Palpable,
So unfortunately the friend’s family member that had cancer became so depressed and refused to try the MMS and died last week. It is very sad, esp. knowing that he had a chance at living but “you can lead a horse to water….”.
My partner has gotten a few other friends interested and my mother’s dog has cancer growths all over his body and is planning on using MMS on him. Do you know the best way to give it to animals, i find that they do not like the taste even with mixed with food. Also, i have yet to get my period and i am not pregnant. Do you know how it affects menstruation and what about taking MMS while pregnant or trying to conceive, i can’t find any info on that. Thanks again for your time and comments.
You’re not going to get much support for MMS use from palpable. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend’s family member. Please be aware that no solution will ever be found, MMS or anything else, that can override an individual’s readiness to leave this world, irrespective of whether we want to “save” them. However, there are many who are not ready to go, and simply need to make certain lifestyle, ecological, and attitude changes. MMS can be a great help to one’s personal ecology.
Here’s a link to some advice that Jim Humble gave regarding MMS use with animals that may be helpful.
Here’s a link from Curezone about MMS and pregnancy.
Best wishes,
Palpable is the only person on this blog who is actually “open-minded” he/she evaluates evidence and actually seeks to understand the underlying principles behind MMS. Everyone else blindly believes the claims of a man who does not understand basic chemistry or biology. How can people be so skeptical of the government, western medicine, and the FDA yet completely suspend their skepticism when MMS is concerned. A truly open mind is always skeptical. No one has answered Palpable’s complete refutation of Jim Humble’s bogus mechanisms for MMS. Adam has dodged around the issue because he is afraid to confront someone obviously more knowledgeable then himself. Jim Humble himself has remained silent, despite his earlier participation in this blog. Humble is a class shyster. The language and style of his book is the same as absurd websites that claim you can “get ripped in 2 weeks without working out” or “grow your penis 5 inches.” The guy is an awful writer with a poor command of the english language and is too lazy to hire an editor. And the image on the back of his book is photoshopped!
I removed what you copied and pasted from your first post… no one has time to read your redundant thoughts.
You’re free to pick your favorites. However, in spite of your criticism of Jim Humble’s style, he has had the courage and intelligence to present it, in spite of the inane observations of anonymous, armchair critics like you. And it has made a positive difference in many thousands of lives. What have YOU done that we can look at and thank you for? If you have something positive to offer, you’re welcome to present them here. But so far, you’re 0 for 2.
HI Heather,
I checked it out. It is a legitimate letter published in a magazine, Latitude 38.
Below is the link to the letter in the magazine.
very sad indeed,
And people on this forum wonder why I’m tring to give sound scientific information.
Please note that no one has challegened the legitimacy of the information i am sharing.
Perhaps you simply want to argue your point, but people here have lives to live. You will never understand what anyone here with experience using MMS does unless you experience it yourself with an open mind, a state that has not been evident.
You speak as though the people on this forum have no ability to assess scientific information on their own. Doing so doesn’t mean that your point of view will be the preferred one, especially when you dismiss the predominant effect of MMS, and focus on the aberration.
The letter that you cite is legitimate, but the conclusions of the writer about MMS are not. I’ve read accounts from eye witnesses that are not in the letter, which you are so quick to legitimize. Those accounts bring very clear questions as to factors that brought about Sylvie’s death, and the truth is, we should know the truth, whether the cause is MMS or not, we should know the truth. I’m not afraid of the truth… don’t need MMS to be “vindicated.” If there actually IS some way that it was the cause, it wouldn’t diminish what it does, and the benefit it has helped so many people realize.
We all agree that this is a tragedy, but it doesn’t tarnish what MMS, when intelligently used does.
Best wishes,
already condemning mms as a killer of this woman before all the facts are in?
and we are supposed to believe YOU?
It’s great you are getting good results.
However, I have not been debating whether MMS works.
My posts only say this:
The mechanisms described by jim and others are false. That’s all. No one has actually addressed my specific points.
I say nothing about the effectiveness of this product.
I am an alternative practitioner. I use energy medicine -some really way out stuff. Stuff you probably would not belive. I use therapies that can never be proved. I’ve been doing this since 1984. Please do not make up stories about who i am or my motivations. That’s called an ad homenin attack. It’s used to avoid debating the points.
Julie you claim to have science bacground, and therefore “understand jims eplainations”.
Please julie, I beg of you and others, to actually debate my points. If you are a scientist, please point out how my science is incorrect. Please, take every specific point and tear it down.
Do i believe MMS works? I don’t know. Yes, I have strong doubts. Largely because the science used by jim to explain its efficacy is utter nonsense.
Another point to debate: No one knows if MMS is not dangerous when used over an extended period. It is a toxin – that is not in question. MMS is a powerful oxidizer, and industrial bleaching agent and disinfectant. To toss aside the dangers of extended use is irrrational and irresponsible.
I’m sure you can agree that low level continous esposure to toxins is a major cause of todays ills.
Problems with MMS use may not show up for years down the road, like many industrial and pharmaceutical toxins.
Please everyone, stop trying to read between the lines, and just read my lines. Could someone just speak to my points here? Anyone?
Dear Palpable:
First off, if I offended you in any way, or you perceived that I was “making up stories about who you were or your motivations”, I apologize. That was not my intention. I was merely curious about your background and experience.
There is always a possibility that problems with long term use of MMS can occur. Most people who take it for a long time are trying to balance it with other natural remedies, or take “breaks” from time to time. In my father-in-law’s case, he has weighed his options: at 73, he can have a top-quality life, free of Sjogren’s symptoms , or he can “risk” taking MMS, with the chance that there “may” be repercussions in his health in 5 years’ time. He has made his choice to live NOW.
I believe everyone needs to choose for themselves, to weigh their options and do their own research. If MMS is somehow proven to be merely a huge placebo effect down the road, that there was no scientific basis for any positive results – well, I can live with that. It worked for me! I truly believe that the potential of what can be achieved with our minds and our hearts far outweighs anything else, be it pharmaceuticals or MMS. If I have to choose between the two, though, I choose MMS, because I question the motivations of the people who have made the decisions for me in the drug industry.
Quite frankly, I am happy to leave the scientific debating to others. No reading between the lines. If there are side effects to using MMS, I will have to weigh my options myself as to whether I will continue using it…just like all the other health choices I have made for myself up to this point. We need to listen to our bodies, not be frightened into decisions.
wow, so cool palpy so advanced.
rad therapies.
yet afraid of mms trials on yourself.
what a tool.
You are very astute S – I am afraid of experimenting on myself with a known toxin. In fact, I have a water filter to remove chlorine and its many cancer- causing byproducts.
palpy, please address my point.
you ignore my argument.
what about the long term effects of….
cancer, aids, malaria????
dear S,
You have a point? Maybe I’m a bit dense, so be kind and brief -and spell it out for me.
We finally got our MMS in the mail and this is day 4 on MMS and already noticing great improvement. My partner has had a severe fungal issue with his toenails for years and nothing has worked on ridding it. Last night we applied the MMS directly and within 2 hours, the fungus had turned from black to white! We have also been brushing our teeth with it and we no longer have morning breath. I’ve been dealing with dandruff for about 3 years now, and it’s about 90% gone. We have some other bigger issues that we’re working on and i’ll post any improvements then but the results thus far speak for themselves.
The misuse and abuse of the term ANAEROBIC.
( forgive the length – I use to teach microbiology)
Claims: MMS is and oxidizer (True); and it kills only anaerobic organisms (false); bad bacteria and viruses are anaerobic (false); cancer cells are killed by oxygen (false).
Lets break this down:
Anaerobic means: the ability to make energy in the absence of oxygen. That’s it.
Heck -Your muscle cells can make energy in the absence of oxygen – as it running as fast as you can – but you have to rest cause all energy is used up in the cells. The cells then use oxygen to rebuild energy stores
BACTERIA: There are many types =
1) Aerobic – can only produce energy in present of oxygen
2) Facultative anaerobic – can produce energy with or without oxygen. BUT is NOT killed by presence of oxygen
3) Obligate anaerobe – will die in presence of oxygen.
Lets make one point crystal clear: The so-called good and bad bacteria are found in all 3 categories. Very few are in the last category.
Streptococcus – it is aerobic. Is it bad?
All staphylococus (including all the antibiotic resistant nasty ones), E.coli, Listeria, and many other infectious organisms are facultative anaerobic.
Please get this – these microbes are happy as can be in the presence of oxygen. Strep and staph infections anyone.
Please think logically: the majority of organisms that infect us have to grow in our bodies. Therefore they have to be OK in an oxygen environment.
Take it to the next step: Our human cells eventually die without oxygen. If tissue is deprived of oxygen necrosis occurs, then gangrene.
Lets talk VIRUSES:
There are NO anaerobic viruses. Viruses do not make energy.
A virus makes more copies of itself by entering our cells and hijacking the manufacturing sites in our cells. The manufacturing sites in our cells run on – you guessed it – oxygen.
So all viruses multiply in an oxygen rich environment – our cells.
CANCER: as stated, cancer cells need more oxygen than normal cells, because of their rapid cell division. And modern scans find cancer by detecting regions of high metabolism, energy use, and blood flow. Oxygen, oxygen, oxygen.
And you wonder why I’m skeptical.
palpy you are isolating 1 factor, so naively.
we arent just talking here about the use/ or not of oxygen, but also about the positive/negative ion charge of the pathogen AND also the alkaline/acid element here.
get a clue.
you don’t understand the science of mms clearly.
Dear s,
You are ignorant of what you are ignorant of……
Organisms do not have an electrical charge.
Learn some basic biology and save yourself some embarrasment.
A single microbe is made up of trillions of ions and molecules. As with all cells (basic cell biology) the number of positive and negatively charged particles must add up to neutral – no charge. So all bacteria hare neutral in their electrical charge – as all other living cells.
This often repeated claim of MMS seeking out organism with certain charges greatly dimishes your (and Humbles) credibility.
palpable thank you for your wise comments on this subject. my only issue, or perhaps lack of undrstanding, is that you seem to be at odds with just about everyone on the issue of cancer cells requirement of oxygen. you may be correct, however everything i have read and been told over the last few years states something along the lines of “Cancer cells have a fermentive metabolism; they do not use oxygen”. Your comment would be appreciated. For the record, I have a low grade NH Lymphoma that I have been treating with various herbal concoctions with no noticable benefit. I have tried to use MMS but struggle with its toxicity. I do know of people that have had positive results with it. Thanks.
BEGINNING of article:
“As an expanding tumor conquers space within the host, it calls out for an increased oxygen supply. This demand is rarely matched by tumor blood vessels because neo-angiogenesis generates a structurally aberrant and functionally impaired vasculature. As a result of this unbalance, tumor progression is invariably associated with cancer cell hypoxia. Insufficient oxygenation appears to have opposing effects on cancer biology: on one hand, it limits tumor cell division; on the other, it selects for more malignant cells and it induces a series of cellular adaptations that sustain and foster tumor invasion. When designing a therapeutic strategy, how should we resolve this dichotomy? Should we cut oxygen supply, thereby halting neoplastic expansion, or should we let the tumor breathe, in order to prevent its malignant conversion? Recent studies using angiogenesis inhibitors or oxygen transporters finally provide some clue”
CONCLUSION of article:
IIn conclusion, the currently available experimental evidences suggest a dual role of oxygen in tumor progression. On one hand, the tendency of cancer cells to ‘spare’ oxygen and the fact that tumor growth can occur only within the O2 diffusion range from blood vessels suggest that oxygen is a limiting factor for tumor expansion.
However, the observation that cancer cells do not utilize oxygen even when there is plenty of it (the Warburg effect) is intriguing and the fact that this puzzle is still unresolved after fifty years rules out any straight-forward theory on O2 and tumor growth.
ME: Its all very weird, and there are many theories -but here’s some of what’s known
1) It seems that tumors start out using a lot of oxygen, then as as they grow faster than available blood vessels, then turn to what’s called aerobic glycolysis. They burn glucose to lactic acid in the presence of oxygen. So O2 is in the cancer cell.
2) Cancer cells need to be close to blood vessels and oxygen – even if they don’t utilize the oxygen
3) Oxygen still enters cancer cells, and in some cases they store oxygen inside the cell for other uses. But they shut down their mitochondria
4) The acidic environment around the cell, encourages cells to break away to seek a less acidic, more blood vessels rich region (metastasis).
The Basics still are true:
1) Cancer, like all cells, receives oxygen, and cancer cells need to be close to blood supply
2) Oxygen doesn’t kill cancer cells
3) CLO2 cannot increase blood levels of oxygen
However some theories based on the low oxygen use, high glucose use say;
1) Maybe high levels of oxygen (hyperbaric chambers) might slow metastasis.
2) Cutting out sugar night help…but the suggestion is an Atkins-like diet.
I have no opinion on taking MMS for cancer.
If MMS works, it doesn’t work by seeking out cancer cells, or oxygenating the blood. As explained, that’s complete nonsense.
I’m sure there’s more oxygen in one breath than a months worth of MMS.
Also, ClO2 is a simple molecule that can only oxidize other molecules (often amino acids). All cells share the same amino acids. So MMS has no mind, it can’t figure out the difference between a cancer cells amino acid and a normal cells amino acid – cause they are exactly the same!
Humble and the rest here have yet to describe how CLO2 could kill cancer cells.
Nevertheless, MMS might work.
Good luck, follow your intuition
The real Physiology of having to start with a 1-2 drops of MMS to prevent unpleasent reactions.
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. is your body trying get rid of a toxic substance. It is not caused by a die off of bad organisms or healing reaction.
How does the body detoxify harmful molecules? Enzymes break down harmful molecules, or alter their structure so they are less toxic.
The liver, kidney and other organs contain these enzymes.
Slowly building up MMS allows these organs to up-regulate (increase the levels) the specific enzymes used to detoxify MMS.
Use alcohol as an example: The enzyme Alcohol dehydrogenase is present in the stomach and liver. As one consumes more and more (as in an alcoholic) these organs increase the levels of this enzyme, and the person can drink more without vomiting.
Slowly increasing the dose of MMS causes an increase of detoxifying enzymes.
Along the same lines: some suggest a healing reaction occurs to die off, and that is the source of reactions. Please ponder the number of human cells that normally die every hour: 50 to 100 billion. Do you think 2 drops of MMS can match that rate, or even exceed it? Of course not.
Here’s some more “reality” palpable:
People who have a chronic disease state generally do not a have sufficient function of metabolic enzymes due to insufficient cellular energy. There also tends to be an insufficient population of aerobic microorganisms, often due to the effects of prescribed antibiotics that, over time, kill them off, without taking sufficient steps to repopulate.
The liver, kidney and other organs are also overloaded and definitely Not functioning optimally in such environments.
You might consider asking yourself why you feel a need to have others join you in your skepticism, when there are hundreds of entries on this and other sites of people getting over many conditions that “science” had no adequate solution for.
hi Adam.
In my opinion, if anyone want to prove, that MMS dont work,I think they should put their money where their mouth is. All they have to do is, travel to Africa, and find 20 people with malaria, and give 10 people MMS, and 10 people a placebo. The result is known in less than a day.
Adam, I have no need for anyone to join me.
I am not skeptical. I have no feelings one way or the other on the effectiveness of MMS.
I am a teacher. I am teaching physiology to those reading. No one is arguing against the physiology I am presenting because it is correct.
Humbles version of physiology is incorrect, that’s all.
My only
If the assumptions (concerning those with chronic illness)you say are true, why would an ill person want to overload their detoxification systems with a known toxin and powerful disinfectant that react with their normal, healthy tissues?
why not TAKE mms like hundreds of thusands of us have palpy?
we are not dead or harmed by it. what’s your problem??
also, if mms is soooo fucking harmful, why do i feel 4 times the vitality/vigor since starting on it 2 months ago???
you know NOTHING of which you write.
Dear Adam,
Most of your post is an emotional response to the powers that be, and it does not address any of my arguments. It also misrepresents what I stated.
So, I’ll try a third time.
The word MECHANISM is used to describe “HOW a treatment works.”
For example: The MECHANISM of an antibiotic, like penicillin = to bind to one specific bacterial enzyme, like a lock and key. With enzyme blocked the bacteria cannot divide.
The EFFICACY = complete eradication of the bacterial infection.
These are 2 quite different words with quite different meanings. You can have one without the other. For example, the bacteria may mutate a bacterial cell wall to block the enzyme – i.e. antibiotic resistant.
The mechanism has not changed, but the efficacy has. The bacteria divides, and the patient dies.
With these definitions clear, I suggest you re-read my posts.
You incorrectly use the term EFFICACY in describing MY QUOTE:
“I’ve watched a jim humble video. Read long explainations by him and and others who sell MMS. No one seems to directly address the obvious and false claim. That CLO2 can seek harmful microbes or cancerous cells and leave good cells or beneficial bacteria alone. This is absolutely false and impossible.”
Adam, The above is describing a mechanism. This mechanism is false. It cannot happen. This does not say anything about whether MMS is effective.
Ingest Clorox, hydrogen peroxide, MMS, or any other simple chemical that reacts with living tissue, and one gets the same results. All cells – good, bad, and in-between, have the same response: their molecules react with these radicals. End of story.
No half truths. No opinions. High school chemistry 101.
All atoms have electrons, all molecules have atoms – bacteria, cancer, good, bad. These chemicals work by stealing or donating electrons to molecules – all molecules.
Please, no more red herring arguments that have nothing to do with what I stated.
I’ll state it again clearly so that you, Jim, or anyone else can address this one paragraph.
MMS CANNOT work by the following mechanism:
It cannot chemically react with cancer cells, bad bacteria and viruses, and not also chemically react with normal cells and good bacteria, It cannot search out and destroy only harmful cells in the human body.
Please, Adam, just address the above statement.
Dear Palpable,
Thank you again for your input, but I’ve said as much as I feel is necessary, given your position. I know what a mechanism is, and what efficacy means. Your negative focus on “mechanism” while refusing to acknowledge MMS’ efficacy is the point of my disagreement.
If you were of an open mind, you’d be able to answer the question for yourself and perhaps inform us. However, you’d have to acknowledge the efficacy and effectiveness of MMS, because that is what’s happening, whether you believe it’s possible or not. In the absence of such openness, I’ve gone as far as I will go. I have no need to try to convince you of anything, as that would be foolish.
Now that you’ve had a chance to state your position, future readers who are interested can decide what’s best for them.
Best wishes,
Hi Adam.
In my opinion the ORMUS elements in our bodies also work with the MMS to heal everything, and as I wrote before , I also use the MMS for energy.
The Brown gas flame is about a 130 degrees,and you could put your hand in this flame for short seconds without getting burned, but this flame will also cut a 7 inch steel plate in half. And Brown gas will also clean up nuclear waste, make new materials, new elements. Brown gas technology is not yet developed, and I think very few people in the world who would understand the workings of this, but I think Jim Humble would know.
And maybe you could ask Jim how the ORMUS elements in our bodies work with the MMS.
Hi Gil,
I’ll forward your thoughts to Jim and see if he comments. I have another friend who knows about Brown’s gas. Clayton Nolte, who developed the water structuring devices, has talked about Brown’s gas on several occasions.
In science, efficacy of a drug is determined by double blind placebo trials. Up to 40% of those receiving any treatment have a strong placebo effect. Is the placebo effect responsible for MMS? Double blind replicable experiments would give the answer.
Belief is religion. Science is science.
You are seeing positive results with MMS, therefore you believe everything Jim says. Even though the mechanisms are patently false. That’s a religion.
That said, there’s nothing wrong religions………
Dear Palpable,
You talk about efficacy of drugs, and science, blind to the fact that drugs, as presently used, DON’T HEAL. Jim Humble introduces a chemical formulation that is actually helping people — people who are concerned about HEALING, not MINUTIA. And they are HEALING, which you dismiss as “religion.”
Religion to me is presenting toxic substances that are contraindicated in normal cellular and physiological functioning — e.g., Lipitor, Celebrex, Paxil, Coumadin, aspertame, MSG, Alkylating agents, Anti-metabolites, Mitotic inhibitors, and a host of others — and not only pretending that they can help, but declaring that ONLY THEY can help, because the FDA and AMA have said they do, even though they don’t. The financial costs are bad enough, but the expense in life quality are beyond calculation. Yet, you focus on MINUTIA as your reason to dismiss something new and profoundly helpful to many people of varying beliefs, who simply want to be well again.
Would the public benefit if further research was done on MMS? Of course! But truthfully, a person who is sick isn’t concerned about that. They want to HEAL. They don’t care about MINUTIA. Are people HEALING with MMS? Yes. That’s what’s important. Your negative attitude about it has no bearing on whether MMS works or not. It simply limits its potential benefits for YOU, which is okay too, because there are many ways to HEAL if a person is sick. It’s good to know that MMS is one that they can call on.
I don’t agree with everything Jim says. But I do acknowledge that what he has presented has delivered the results that he has suggested. That’s not religion sir. It’s reality. You don’t have to agree with it, and you can dismiss it for any reason that suits you. The power to heal BEGINS and ENDS with the individual, not the MINUTIA.
Best wishes,
Dear Adam,
I will try this again.
I have said nothing about the efficacy of MMS. My motto – if it works, do it. On this we can agree.
I have only taken Jim Humbles statements from his video and book and commented on them. That’s all.
He describes certain MECHANISMS by which MMS does its magic. These mechanisms (as described in my first post) cannot occur. That’s why he will not directly address my points.
He and others who stand to profit are either:
1) completely ignorant of basic chemistry/biology
2) making it all up
Neither 1 or 2 above says anything about the efficacy of MMS.
Having been in this field for a long time I have witnessed over and over the misuse of known physiology and chemistry to justify products. The misuse is similar: throw in 3 parts accurate biology, then slide in the one part of nonsense that justifies buying the product. It’s a typical salesman technique.
If MMS is effective why would Jim and others make up nonsense to promote it? Why can’t they just say – “this stuff works and I don’t know why.”
That I would respect.
If MMS is the greatest cure ever, Jim is doing himself and those that my benefit from taking it a disservice. How? By making up nonsense. Those of us who teach at acupuncture schools, or teach naturopathic schools, or who are alternative MD’s and DO’s, know that the proposed mechanisms are nonsense. This causes great suspicion (especially when an MLM is involved), and we then tend to dismiss the product.
I see another real danger with MMS – the FDA. The FDA knows the proposed mechanisms are false. My fear is not that they will come down on MMS and bar it from being sold. My fear is that individuals will be harmed by MMS and this will be a stimulus for the FDA regulate all other current supplements. To place supplements in drug categories, with big pharma controlling manufacture and sales, doctors controlling access.
In my investigations, my son sent me a youtube of a chiropractor advising those taking MMS. Besides the usual nonsense of MMS only attacking bad bacteria and cancer, he described a letter he got from a women taking MMS. She was experience facial numbness, tingling and ultimately nerve damage from taking “too large” a dose of MMS. He suggested she should consult with him – “as its important to be under supervision of an expert” in order to prevent serious side effects.
More than a little scary. It’s probably smart to remind yourself that chlorine dioxide is used to disinfect polls.
I have an extremely open mind. I do hope MMS is a cure all – that would be great. But there are an awful lot of red flags with this stuff.
That being said, I am only dismissing the proposed mechanisms as described in my first post.
Dear Palpable:
With all due respect you did indeed make a statement about the efficacy of MMS:
Your words:
You made a clear inference to its efficacy by stating that its underlying premise is “absolutely false and impossible.” You did this either fully or partially ignorant of the profoundly and significantly beneficial outcomes that people have experienced from its use. Otherwise, the tone of your introduction to this forum would have been very different. If we’re agreeing that this stuff is helpful, even though some statements of chemistry aren’t as you understand them (although they are consistent with many other independent descriptions of ClO2), then we’d also be having a different conversation.
Whether the “mechanisms” are exactly correct in your eyes are not, the magic is indeed happening. And since it is, it’s happening for a reason that is beyond your understanding. That’s okay too, but you discounted someone else’s understanding when it didn’t appear to corroborate your own. Yet, you ignore the magic that has come from that understanding, and not offered any other scenarios that might achieve equal or better magic. You say that you’d respect someone else’s admitting that they don’t know it all (according to you), but you haven’t presented an alternative for someone else to judge as “impossible,” even though it was working.
Modern medicine is giving the world drug after drug that DOESN’T work, but has paid the FDA’s “protection fee” and been allowed to unleash it on the world. Jim Humble went to the FDA prior to introducing MMS. They had “no interest” in it, since he was introducing it abroad. You can bet they do know about MMS, but you can’t assume that they think it doesn’t work. Again, the results belie the claim.
With MMS2, Jim Humble is continuing to apply his intelligence to solutions that can help humanity without doing harm. MMS1 hasn’t harmed anyone when taken as recommended, and has helped hundreds of thousands. These are the facts that haven’t been acknowledged in your replies here.
You talk about him and others “who stand to profit” from the sale of MMS — while ignoring the MASSIVE raping and pillaging of the health and pocketbook of the world right now via this H1N1 scam. The cancer treatment industry is another, given the FACT that cancer cures have been around for decades, only to be squashed by the AMA and FDA. And even with all of the suppression, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, are STILL curable, when an individual knows what kind of changes they need to make and makes them. The simple fact is that this vital information is not what the public is hearing, but they’re dying to know.
Jim Humble didn’t sell MMS, and today he and other humanitarian organizations are GIVING it away in Africa, and have taken great steps to keep the purchase price of it inexpensive in other parts of the world. No one selling MMS is gouging the consumer in the way that modern medicine is, with toxic chemicals that hold a very high price tag per dose, but don’t work, except to take you further from recovery. Health care expenses represent almost 25% of the Gross Domestic Product of the United States, and it’s growing, when only a restoration of health will bring it down. But collectively, we’re not going toward health. Individually we can.
Given how many people have taken MMS in the past couple years, there are precious few “horror stories” to hang one’s hat on, and thousands of stories of success. However, we get what we look for. If we’re looking for solutions, we’ll find them. If we’re looking for scapegoats, we’ll find them too.
Dismiss what you wish about MMS, but you also turn your back on a wonderful opportunity to learn, and help others through your intelligence, instead of “guiding” them through ignorance and fear.
Best wishes,
It seems as though you are addressing mmsdebunked – I am not that person.
That said, it’s very hard for me to take you seriously when you refuse to acknowledge that MMS can and does react with normal cells and tissues. This reaction is described by Thomas Lee Hesselink, MD (this groups favorite source on the biology of MMS):
”Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is highly reactive with thiols (RSH), polyamines, purines, certain amino acids and iron, all of which are necessary for the growth and survival of pathogenic microbes.” ”
Basic biology – all the above molecules are found in ALL human cells, AND necessary for the survival and normal functioning. And CLO2 destroys them -a simple FACT. Adam, and anyone else – please respond to the previous sentence. If you cannot refute this basic biology truth of oxidizing agents, then the entire claimed premise of MMS falls apart.
Yours, and others answers, always avoid science and tend to distort my arguements. As always you and others bring up the usual song about big pharma as a diversion tactic to avoid addressing reasonable scientific arguments.
Adam, you cannot on one hand use science (Humbles incomplete and false explainations of impossible mechanisms for MMS) to support it’s use, then on the other hand throw out the science that does not agree with your belief system. This group reminds me of creationists/anti-evolutionists.
My arguments are not written to persuade you, nor those few who make nonsensical comments.
I truely believe that many currently using MMS will be damaged if they continue to use it long-term. Many have been damaged with short-term use (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, nerve paralysis, etc.)
That’s who I am writing for – the healthy. I’m providing science for those healthy individuals who take MMS everyday. It may months or years before adverse effects arise. That’s the way it is with continous low-level exposure to toxins. Your refusal to acknowledge that short-term effects can be quite different than long-term effects really concerns me. You have long since lost all credibilty with me since you refuse to address this very obvious concern.
It’s funny, even those evil doctors you constantly rail against inform patients of possible side effects of drugs and procedures. Yet, you somehow “know” that long-term use (years) will cause nothing but good effects. Frightening.
Of course you have nothing to say because you, nor anyone else has addressed my original concerns voiced many months ago concerning the false mechanisms expoused by Jim Humble. If you ever want to address them (rather than employ diversion tactics) here they are:
1) Claim – CLO2 will magically seek out only bad cells/microbes. Truth – CLO2 oxidizes normal tissues. It does not discriminate. (this is my main point – and one no one has yet to argue with)
2) Claim – CLO2 is safe for long-term use. TRUTH – no one knows, and no one here is willing to admit that it could be harmful.
3) Claim – CLO2 only oxidizes cancer cells because they are anaerobic. TRUTH – cancer cells use massive amounts of oxygen.
4) Claim – CLO2 kills anaerobic bacteria, and anaerobic bacteria are the “bad” guys. TRUTH – CLO2 kills both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, AND – many aerobic bacteria are disesaes causing, and many anaerobic bacteria are not disease causing.
5) Claim – side effects from ingestion of CLO2 are due to die off od bad organisms. TRUTH – side effects are your body’s normal attempts (vomting, diarrhea) to eliminate a toxin. Your cells are being killed.
My apologies to the mistaken identity.
After just receiving another account — on another thread — from a writer whose doctor (naturopathic) helped a person return to health from AIDS with MMS, and advised her to use it (with immediate improvements to a Lyme condition and nerve twitches), I am struck by the tenacity by which you ignore or dismiss the positive gains so many people are experiencing in the PRESENT, on the fear of future damage.
If a person is healthy, the group you now say you’re writing for, they don’t need to take MMS. Their immune system is working just fine. No one, not even Jim Humble, has suggested that MMS or ClO2 is a panacea, or even a nutrient. However, it will profoundly help the human body return to homeostasis. If pharmaceutical approaches did that, they would be effective, and there would be no need for MMS, because disease pathologies would heal and people would return to health.
Since you have little experience of your own with MMS, and NO belief in its efficacy, you can only site information; someone else’s at that. You’re even trying to use Dr. Hesselink’s information — a proponent of MMS use in clinical treatment of various diseases — as evidence against its use.
For anyone who allows fear to guide them, and not their own intelligence, this could be persuasive. On the other hand, fear IS currently being used every day by the medical and scientific communities to justify administering truly dangerous drugs, devitalizing organic foods by soaking seeds in chlorine or irradiation, and using many other chemically or energetically toxic approaches that are contributing to the current state of medical and health affairs. Yet, you hang your hat on the future POSSIBILITY of long-term damage. In other words, hoping that fear will guide the reader, and not intelligence; not courage.
You even include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea among signs damage, when in fact these are the same outcomes that happen when powerful and toxic drugs are given, which the body will attempt to rid itself of. Much of the public aren’t aware that toxicity that has been stored in the body will have to come out in order to get well. The difference between pharmaceuticals, which you don’t seem to have a problem with, and MMS, is that the former are loading the body up with more toxicity, which then create the cascade of diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, AND nerve paralysis. When MMS is used, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea may happen. But that may also happen with any other truly healing modality, as toxicity is jettisoned from the body. Using MMS as recommended does NOT “cause” nerve paralysis.
There is no way for me, or anyone, to “know” that long-term use of MMS will cause “nothing but good effects,” and no way for you to know that it will cause harm. Yet, you are convinced that it MIGHT, and consider the idea of thinking of, and believing in a long-term good outcome is “frighting”. So my way of thinking is frightening to you. Yours saddens me. I’m sorry that’s the place you come from, but it’s your prerogative. Fortunately, you can liberate yourself anytime you like. I believe that too.
Your assessments of “truth,” are themselves false. And again, since you appear intent on misstating what has been confirmed by truly open minded scientists, and appear to have no compassion for the pain and suffering that 10s of millions are presently going through, refuse to be encouraged by the improvements that people are reporting from MMS’ usage — people who have often suffered from years of medical treatment, it’s really YOU that you’re writing for, not the healthy, not the sick.
And that’s okay too.
Best wishes,
A quote from Adam:
“They are very well presented and intended for you to do one thing. STOP moving forth with MMS.”
Your above assumption concerning my motivation is incorrect. It’s easier to dismiss valid questions when one is labeled as other or even an enemy.
Also sating that all truths are half truths is a red herring, a distraction technique. Please advise me as to which of my statements are half truths. Please be specific. I know what I stated in my post is correct. I stated that MMS does not work through the mechanisms touted. That’s all.
I sense the half truths arise from the promoters. Adam, Please ask any MMS seller, Jim Humble, to read my staement directly reply.
I have taught anatomy, physiology and pathology at ALTERNATIVE health care institutes for 20 years. I teach workshops on alternative healing modalities. I’ve been an alternative practitioner for 25 years. Most allopathic practices drive me nuts.
And please keep in mind, I have no vested interests one way or the other in MMS, unlike the sellers.
My concern (rather than assuming my motivation) is for those that may be harmed by this substance. MMS was brought to my attention a few weeks ago when my son sent me material. He was concerned for several close relatives that were taking MMS. I investigated and informed them of my opinion.
A few days later, to my surprise, I get emails from a distant friend promoting MMS. I sent her my opinion. She said I might want to post my same email reply on this site. So I did.
Only side I’m on is the truth
Dear palpable…
My opinion is my opinion, as yours is yours. I don’t see you as an enemy, or adversary. I didn’t disagree with anything you said, as you appear to have some knowledge of biochemistry. I did, however, point out that no matter how extensive your understanding of biochemistry, you cannot account for the complete cascade of effects that are happening from one individual to the next. For a beneficial effect to occur within so many people, beneficial things must be happening. One can’t close their eyes to that and be credible.
It was very evident that you are new to MMS, and have little knowledge of actual experience that people have had with the protocol. That’s okay too. Your “truth” sounds convincing, but it is the truth of an MMS neophyte. You may be right in everything you said, but the bottom line has been improvement, as people have reduced their body’s pathogen load using the protocol. It’s not the only thing one can do, but it appears to be effective as billed.
Many of the positive experiences that people have achieved with MMS… — from psoriasis, to bronchial and respiratory, to diabetes, and various forms of cancer had occurred, in some cases, after years of ineffective allopathic medications. You didn’t acknowledge this, or show any curiosity (open mindedness) along those lines.
You put yourself on the side of “truth” (as though you’re by yourself), with no understanding of real benefits that people are achieving. You even sent your limited opinion to a distant friend, apparently without asking her what triggered the decision. Enthusiasm is a very powerful factor in health and healing. However, there must be some scientific basis to consider a new modality, and at this time, there has been quite a bit of research done in addition to the actual benefits that so many have achieved. Your disbelief doesn’t invalidate what MMS does, or has done.
As for Jim Humble answering your statements directly, I believe it would be wiser for you to simply get more familiar with MMS and do some research of your own. Jim Humble is continuing his MMS research, working in conjunction with open minded doctors and clinicians. He’s answered thousands of questions and statements of disbelief while people were gaining their own experience.
For your information, I have no vested interest in MMS sales either. I have studied it enough, and interacted with enough scientists, practitioners, and people who have used it, to realize that you’re doing yourself a disservice to dismiss it simply because people you know haven’t endorsed it (yet).
I am concerned about the hundreds of people who continue to suffer and die each hour and thousands each day from FDA approved and AMA sanctioned medications that add more toxicity to one’s body chemistry, when less is called for (and it sounds like you are also concerned). I also know that some people have taken ridiculous amounts of MMS, and only experienced accelerated detox effects, which weren’t pleasant, but it’s not like taking Coumadin or any number of medications that will kill if too much is taken.
If you’re really on the side of the truth, then you’ll be open to wherever it may come from (even allopathic methods), and you’ll have to acknowledge that benefits are being achieved. With your knowledge, you’d be in a great position to further our understanding of what it does. But to dismiss it out of hand in spite of the benefits, belies your claim.
I do appreciate you following through with your friend’s suggestion and posting your thoughts. Thank you.
Hi Adam.
I had no problem using MMS, and I used a lot, 6 drops every hour for 10 hours, and more after, and even before Over a 40 hour period I used more than a 100 drops. I used it with citric acid and water, and I felt only the citric acid was a little much for me. I had a very bad cold or the flu, but I worked every day, MMS gave me a lot of energy, and my cold was bad only for about 2 days, and after that I only used 6 drops of MMS for about a week, just once a day.And my gut feeling is, that palpable just dont know nothing about MMS, if he did not used it himself. I dont use MMS every day, but every few weeks I may use 6 or 7 drops a day, for 3 or 4 days, for extra energy. And this is my experience with MMS. But every one is different and may use MMS for different things, and different ways
I think CANOLA OIL in the long run is harmfull for people. I put a lot of oil on everything, sunflower, or corn oil, but a few months ago we bought canola oil, but we used less than a half a gallon, as I was getting ill, and we dumped out the canola oil, and MMS helped also to get my health back.People dont know they can get sick from canola oil, if they use it slowly , they will get sick slowly , over a longer time. But I use a lot, I just put it on everything. And I m sure nothing else would of helped as much as MMS did. I think MMS is good for everything, even for things we dont even know about.
Hi Gil,
I appreciate you sharing your experience with MMS. In my opinion, it doesn’t really matter if the detail is “correct” to the letter if we’re achieving the intended outcome, which in this case, is a restoration or maintenance of health. On the other hand, if all the details do jibe, but all one is achieving is a state of perpetual disease, then the product or protocol itself should be scrapped. The medical industry has the public taking thousands of prescriptions that have been “thoroughly tested,” but the best that they do is keep people in perpetual disease. The public has been sold on the idea that the drug “cures” or can “cure” diseases, when in truth, that’s an utter falsehood.
MMS doesn’t “cure” anything either, in spite of dear Jim’s occasional statements to the contrary. It does help bring balance to an imbalanced body chemistry and microbial population, which allows the body to make the corrections it needs to restore health.
You make some important points about canola oil, which is one of a long list of substances we’ve given pass on as “safe,” and therefore often goes unexamined if or when sickness sets in. I sincerely believe that various carbonated beverages, especially the “diet” ones, have a catalyzing effect on chemical toxins, acting as activators, in the same way that citric acid is an activator for MMS. The exception is that we don’t know what chemicals the diet sodas are spawning, except that, over the long run, they are likely going to have unhealthy repercussions.
Hi Palpable,
Our family first learned about MMS through a naturpath back in July 2007. I later discovered Adam’s website, as well as a few others, and we spent many hours reading Jim Humble’s two books and whatever limited information there was available online. My husband and I both have university level science backgrounds, so we understood the explanations given for how MMS was supposed to work. Without engaging you in a science debate, I feel that I must speak up that there IS a benefit to this product.
My father-in-law was suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease called Sjogren’s, and AS A DIRECT RESULT of taking MMS, he now has a new lease on life. There were no pharmaceutical options for him to deal with his illness, only drugs to mask symptoms. He no longer suffers from any of the symptoms, and his vitality returned to a level not felt by him in 30 years. We have many anecdotes from friends and family who have seen improvements in their health from taking MMS.
We are a proactive family when it comes to looking after our health. Taking responsibility ourselves has empowered us to learn more about what we are lacking, to read about alternative possibilities that can help our bodies in a non-invasive way, and to ultimately take charge of our own bodies. Without taking on a “conspiracy” – type tone, I feel that people have allowed others to make their health choices for far too long. It’s time for them to do some work of their own, to take ownership of their health and realize that they do have a choice.
I’m curious about whether you are a “hard facts only” person, or whether you are open to other possibilities, ie. energy healing, structured water, aromatherapy. There is more and more documented proof popping up that these so-called “alternatives” can actually make a difference in our lives. I believe that faith in one’s abilities and an open heart are a part of these successes.
Many people have tried to explain how MMS can be dangerous (and I believe that, used incorrectly, it could have serious bad effects), but I hope that there will always be enough people who have had positive results with it, as we have, to encourage people to research it for themselves, and see if it will fit into their health protocol.
My apologies for the lengthiness, but I wanted to put in my two cents’ worth, and not appear to be a knee-jerk defensive reaction
Keeping an open mind and open heart,
Good for you Julie ! I flew to Calgary for the Christmas Holidays and I accidentally left my book in the cart but I hope it will help someone .
I have had three occasions of using MMS and I was very successful with its use so please dont let the bad critics upset you .
I’ve also done a lot of research in cancer and Jim’s stats were very similar to other Dr. so I thought I would puchase the book , video , and M M S and give it a try .
I am very happy that I did and my friends have too Thank You Joe L’Amarca
I know that there have been numerous scientific/biological/chemical debates back and forth on Adam’s sites…I will not pretend to be able to understand them all 100%..
Having said that, I still stand by my statement that MMS has been able to improve the quality of life for quite a few people that we know now, my father-in-law being the first. The latest person we were able to help was a young 26-year old who plays hockey with my husband. He has been sick on and off since he was 16 or so, and the latest “diagnosis” from doctors was ulcerative colitis. He almost died in hospital twice in 2009, and by Christmas was fed up with the standard medical approach and told my husband he was “prepared to try anything”. He wanted to wean himself off all his medications and regain control of his health again.
After speaking to him and his wife for a couple of hours, we realized that years of medication had created a toxic environment that made it very difficult for his immune system to have a chance to do anything. We recommended that he ingest living bentonite clay for 2 weeks, to start removing all the garbage in his system. Sure enough, after one week, he had a bowel movement that I will not describe here
but afterwards, he said he really noticed a turnaround in his health, and his energy level started perking up. After two weeks, he started taking MMS, 2 drops twice a day, then slowly increasing up to 6 drops. He continued taking clay during this.
Within 3 months, he had weaned himself off of ALL his pharmaceuticals, and said he felt better than he could ever remember!
My husband and I feel quite strongly that taking the clay was a very important first step – without doing so, our friend could have struggled with all the pathogen dieoff that resulted from taking MMS. Instead, he “cleaned house” first, and allowed his immune system to take over, and do what it is intended to do.
Again, this is purely anecdotal, I realize, and you have only my word on it, but I know that if we hadn’t shared what we have learned in the last few years, our friend would still be very, very ill, instead of enjoying good health again.
Thanks Adam,
That was well said. I do find it interesting that of all the critics out there, none of them have actually tried MMS. I haven’t yet found anyone saying they’ve tried it and it hasn’t helped. That to me would be more believing than just straight up cynacism.
what can mms do for a person on dialysis, i have been on dialysis for over 17 years and have a problems with my pth thyroid levels, I pray this will work for me and I’ll fly out to mexico to get it. Help!!!
Dear Vee,
It would be easy to say that MMS will help, which I believe that it will. But if you’re really seeking to heal, you would need to (1) know — or at least accept — that healing is possible, (2) that you created, and are maintaining the energetic pattern that is “kidney disease,” and that (3) said energetic and emotional factors that contributed to the creation of your present situation can and must be cleared in order to allow “physical re-normalization” (healing) to take place.
It’s not about tracking down or reliving past traumas, but forgiving whatever, and whoever served as catalyst for the current state, and ALLOWING the discordant energy that is presently within you to flow OUT of you so that new light can reconfigure your body and reactivate its proper functioning. Re-hydrating your body with structured water will help the process. While taking nascent iodine would also help the thyroid function, doing what I have suggested above will help the Whole Being that is YOU.
Best wishes,
I’ve watched a jim humble video. Read long explainations by him and and others who sell MMS.
No one seems to directly address the obvious and false claim. That CLO2 can seek harmful microbes or cancerous cells and leave good cells or beneficial bacteria alone. This is absolutely false and impossible.
The basic tenant is that chlorine dioxide (or any oxidizer or reducer) will react only with harmful cells and viruses. Any reactive inorganic chemical – such as acids, chlorine, oxygen radicals, lye, you name it, will react with all organic molecules. End of story.
Please address the above paragraph when replying.
No matter how he spins this web of chemistry this basic fact remains. Pour hydrogen peroxide (oxidizer), clorox bleach, or drano (a reducer) on living cells and chemical reactions occur. All organisms – no exceptions. The same with CLO2.
The only substance made by our bodies that can circulate and attach to specific microbes are antibodies made by our immune system cells. Antibodies are extremely large protiens, specifically designed to attach to the surface on an invading organism.
Note: Antibiotics are organic molecules that target specific target enzymes found in bacteria, not in mammals.
I cannot repeat this enough: Our immune systems carefully identify foriegn organisms, mark each one with antibodies, each marked organism is swallowed, then digested. We don’t let oxygen, chlorine or any other substance loose into circulation – that would be suicide.
Articles by Humble and others selling MMS use half truths. One example from a Humble article:
“Hypochlorous acid is probably the most important acid of the immune system. It kills pathogens, killer cells, even cancerous cells with this
It’s true that hypochlorous acid (and many other inorganic substances) are used to kill invading organisms.
What’s left out: this killing with oxidizers and enzymes occurs ONLY WITHIN our white blood cells. The white blood cells store these toxic substances in special compartments within the cells, the organisms are swallowed, then exposed to these chemicals.
These toxic substances are not in circulation. The immune cells make them, just like your stomach cell produce the highly toxic hydrochloric acid (HCL), and its kept within the stomach.
Other lies I have read and seen from other sellers & promoters include:
Cancer cells are anaerobic, and this oxidizes them. Truth: Cancer cells need MORE oxygen than normal cells.
Cancer Basics:
1. Cancer cells NEED MORE OXYGEN than your normal cells! Because they have a higher metabolism – faster cell division, and need to make more energy to do that.
2. Angiogenesis is the marker for cancer. It’s when cancer cells release hormones creating more blood vessels than found in your normal tissues. Some medical scans look for places of increased oxygen to find cancers.
3. Several anti-cancer drugs are in the works to prevent angiogenesis. In other words – reduce oxygen supply to the tumor.
Another lie is that “all dangerous microbes are anaerobic, and good organisms are aerobic”. Absolutely a lie.
1) Some very dangerous organisms are aerobic – try strep.
2) All viruses are neither anaerobic nor aerobic – basic biology.
2) There are several classes of anaerobic bacteria – most that can harm us are called faculatative anaerobic. They can survive in an oxygen environement – such as our bodies.
would someone please reply to palpable. I’ve already ordered my MMS and still plan on using it even after hearing both sides as i believe that i know my body better than anyone else. But which scientific facts are right? I often wish i had the super power of knowing who was lying. I believe that what the FDA offers is way more harmful than anything that Jim Humble would advise but i would like to know more about how the body works and everyone seems to have their own beliefs. I will let you know how it works for me, thanks everyone for sharing your stories. I have no ill intent except to help my family and friends.
Dear Heather,
I can appreciate your concern about palpable’s statements. They are very well presented and intended for you to do one thing. STOP moving forth with MMS. Personally, I can’t tell you whether he’s “right” or “wrong” in his opinion over microbial interactions. He is also right when he suggests that half-truths are being told. However, ALL “truths,” are half-truths. NONE… even palpable’s are not absolute. NO ONE… even a most intelligent palpable, or even an intelligent ME, knows what’s true IN TOTO, with respect to physiological and chemical dynamics going on inside the body, especially for someone else.
There are so many factors involved in the human micro and nanosphere, that one can only focus on a small portion of the players involved. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, the real “X” factor is most often ignored — that is, the individual him or herself. The Consciousness, the Being who is choosing to turn his or her health around. As powerful as MMS is, it is not as powerful as the Being. Most humans don’t realize just how powerful we are. And that includes, how WE MAKE OURSELVES SICK, or susceptible to disease. (Read Bruce Lipton’s The Biology of Belief, and listen to my podcast interview with him on his web site.) Then we listen to people who we think know more than we do, who tell us how vulnerable we are, and in believing THEM to be “right,” we make ourselves vulnerable, and susceptible to the danger that they have warned us about.
I spoke to a man yesterday who had psoriasis since the age of 7. Now in his 40’s, he does not. Over that time frame, he has used virtually every accepted method of treating the condition known, to no avail. However, it went away after he used MMS. MMS… the chlorine dioxide that is generated from the protocol, helped make conditions suitable for his body to correct the problem and no longer manifest the psoriasis condition. Perhaps palpable would argue why that wouldn’t work too, but it doesn’t matter.
I’ve spoken to many people who have had chronic conditions go away after using MMS. The first factor in the process, was and is THE INDIVIDUAL WANTING TO GET A DIFFERENT OUTCOME THAN THEY’D BEEN ACCUSTOMED TO. In other words, ready to be healthy again. It’s not so important that I be able to account for the whereabouts and activities of every cell in my body. There is plenty of evidence, from Jim Humble and many others, that chlorine dioxide is safe to use as recommended, and the RESULTS tend to bear that out. I respect palpable’s knowledge of microbiology, but with all that knowledge, he ignores the POSITIVE RESULTS that hundreds of thousands of people are now getting, AND he offers no equally appealing and EFFECTIVE alternative.
Your choice is, of course, up to you.
Best wishes,
cures it.
Does mms help or cure HPV?
I have had a personal experience where a friend has gone to Indonesia on a surf trip and when he returned to the states, he was hospitalized with very SEVERE sickness. In the hospital, there was not 1 doctor that could diagnos him with an illness. We had a feeling it was Maleria and we have read Jim Humbles book on how to treat the disease. After 10 DAYS! in the hospital with no clue what was wrong with this man…104 degree fever, nausea, extreme pain in his abdomin…we decided to take the matter into our own hands and test Mr. Humble on his statement that this product has cured maleria in many cases. So we took our buddy the MMS and gave him the recommended dosages and within 1 day his fever dropped 3 degrees and within 2 days, he was released from the hospital! After spending 10 days in the hospital, only getting worse everyday. i can only believe that MMS was the main contributing factor in my friends recovery. FULL RECOVERY. It was later confirmed through tests that he did, in fact, contract the maleria disease while over seas. How would you explain that? Also, it is said that there is NO CURE for this disease what-so-ever…well…my friend has not one sign of it left in his system! These are the facts people. Read Jims book and you will see that this product has cured many of people that have used it properly! How is it that you put your trust in pharmacudicals that are full of chemicals and the side effects are listed as possibly fatal…yet you see a product that is simple chemistry and made of 3 main (natural) ingredients and just think it can’t be true. Ridiculous! Open your minds people and believe in the results. Read the book. there are so many benefits from this product, even down to the smallest differences.
Another fact…my brother is the one who turned me onto this and he has a long occuring issue with a oral surgery he had as a kid where if he sucked on his gums (like when you are trying to clean your teeth of food after eating) his gums would start bleeding. EVERYTIME. Since he has taken the MMS, no matter how hard he tries…no blood. Thats after years of the contrary.
Another fact… a few weeks ago, i started getting simptoms of a cold. Sore throat, head ache and the works. The first day the signs surfaced…i took a couple extra drops of MMS for the next fews days and the cold never developed at all! Well, i got a bit of a cough, but nothing like you would get with a nasty cold. No green flem…no major cough…no fever…no snot (sorry to be grosse but we all know what the cold is like). It was so minor i barely even noticed it after the 3rd day. I havent been sick since i started taking the product! I’m Telling you…just look into the facts and you will be amazed at how you can change your life with a few drops a day. READ THE BOOK. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND HAVE AN OPEN MIND. Lastly i want to say…alot of folks might think that this is some scam to get money and its too good to be true, lets think about that logically… $20 for a 1 year supply!! there is nothing on the market out there where you can get 1yrs worth for $20! give me a break.
Why did the Gates Foundation turn them down its a GOOD indicator its crap–Im no fan of Gates but I know their Foundation’s weeding out processes– and theyre very exacting and dont have a habit of turning down anything remotely promising–especially if on a global scale like Malaria!!
look at the $750,000 they threw to that Northeastern Prof for accidentally hitting upon the link to TB of bacterial persistence?? He isnt even a TB researcher so its a long shot–yet Gates Found thought it prudent “in case”
and DWOB( DR w/o Borders)–of course they laughed–wouldnt you??? and what about the military–alwasy looking for cheap fixes for the troops and IF MMS kept the soldiers free of malaria and other stuff Im guessing theyd have already jumped on it!!! and bought up every last drop too!!! They have cornered vaccines and antivirals, why not this??
as for Africa, people have personally emailed the dept /ministers of Health in Uganda, in Malawi and even 2 specific hospitals that supposedly trialed the stuff they call MMS !!!
well folks to this date those depts claim NO involvement with Humble or the product and have indeed verified the existence of a BAD Malaria problem still there
Matter of fact, they increased funds via WHO and other sources both governmental and public/private to insure that every child/most adults get treated nets!!!
Why spend the money on nets and making sure theyre used if a simpler $20 bottle of bleach will cure several of them??
and why wouldnt the hospital and/or govts of the African nations BRAG that theyve found a cure??
and the researchers ( virologists, physical anthropologists,primotologists, tropical herbologists, cultural anthro, etc)going into Africa, from US, Europe, etc why arent any of THEM jumping on this??? becasue its BOGUS
I get so damn ANNOYED at those trying to claim such blatantly invalid crap while so many are dying just to make a buck and seem important.
IF they ever were in Africa and IF those photos arent faked, my guess ( after doing extensive research) is that the cup MAY not have even held the MMS–Ive looked at so many versions of the so called video and the child isnt wincing or reacting as if the stuff is bad enuf tasting to the degree you expect
adults are gagging on it–why expect a kid to accept it?? or not immediately vomit it??
IF the child is too ill to react, and the MMS IS in there who is to say it wasnt still staged?? with the Dr and/or parent unaware OR with the Drs complicity?? those countries are very poor and very prone to taking money for anything–corruption abounds–slip a medic $10 American and you can take a pic of anything!!
and where are the before and after blood tests??
why bother wasting energy: its NOT valid and yet they constantly bring it up–like some Messianic cure all
Citric acid does make a “stronger” mix…many people have switched to lemon or lime juice when they find it too strong. You can add lots more water to the activated MMS and find it smells and tastes less strong.
actually dr h at says that lime juice drops make stronger activated mms(chlorine dioxide).the effects are stronger.
its on you tube
Can anyone tell me if using lemon juice instead of critic acid, does it render the mms ‘less’ potent? Its just that I’m on 15 mms twice a day and its the first time I’ve used lemon and I’ve noticed the smell isn’t as strong when there put together!
Hoo hah, Terry! I’m so happy for you, as I am for any individual who has re-claimed their health. Our family has been using MMS since August 2007, and, like yourself, have found it a great, inexpensive, tool in our “wellness toolbox”. And your comments about having it FDA approved are bang on, unfortunately. That’s why it’s up to us to continue spreading the word about MMS, and sharing our experiences, because I don’t think you’ll be seeing Jim Humble in a TV ad any time soon
I just finished reading Jim’s book and have been taking MMS for a week now. I’m finally up to 7 drops twice a day because I was nauseous for a few days at 5 and 6 drops. I plan to go up to 15 and stay there for about a week and then go to a maintenance dose of 6 drops. I’m also using it to brush my teeth and today started using it on my face for acne. Tomorrow, I’m going to try it on a seed wart on my hand.
Here are the amazing results I am getting from it:
1. No more bad breath too. My teeth and gums stay much cleaner and I don’t have bad breath anymore. I also no longer have the white stuff on my tongue that used to build up during the day.
2. No more persistent cough. I started taking MMS because I had a cough that just would not go away. I had walking pneumonia in January and had suffered from a terrible cough ever since. I was taking codeine cough syrup for much of the last 5 months so that I could hold a conversation without hacking up a lung (my profession requires lots of talking and it was rather embarrassing when clients would ask how long I’d been smoking because I had such a persistent cough – I have NEVER smoked). My cough went away on the second day. Well, sort of. For about an hour after I take the MMS, I cough a ton. It seems that I am getting up all that mucus out of my lungs. Then, after that hour, I’m fine. No more cough. I’m thrilled! I’m certain the coughing that occurs after I take the MMS will eventually go away. It is already less now than it was the first day.
3. Acid Reflux & Stomach issues – I have had stomach issues most of my life. I got a parasite when I was primitive camping in Venezuela at age 16. Since that time, I had complained to doctor after doctor that, when I ate food, I would get sick afterward. I would become very nauseous. Some doctors said it was acid reflux, some said it was allergies, others leaky gut, others said it was in my head. NONE had an answer or a solution. About 3 years ago, a holistic chiropractor did some tests and discovered the parasite. We treated it with wormwood for months. I felt better, but still had some foods that would cause extreme nausea for me. Since taking the MMS, my nausea after eating has been significantly less and yesterday I didn’t have any nausea after eating (and I had the typical memorial day foods – hamburgers, chips, fries, etc. – things that would normally make me very ill). So, I know the MMS is fixing whatever it was that has caused the nausea after eating. I really don’t care what the cause was as long as the MMS fixes it for good. It will be nice to not have to worry about getting sick after every time I eat.
As for the skeptics, I highly recommend trying MMS. I have recommended it to all my friends and my family.
As for the double blind studies and FDA approval that some require, those things take lots and lots of money. The reason a drug company is willing to spend the money to develop a drug and seek approval from the FDA is that they can charge $10 a pill or more for the drug so long as the patent is in effect. Then, they simply change the drug slightly and get a new patent (that’s why Seasonale was replaced by Seasonique). Once the patent expires, the drug can be produced as a generic and is much cheaper. So, the drug companies have to convince you that the new drug is improved so you’ll buy that instead of the generic.
So, back to MMS and clinical trials, etc. Why would a drug company be interested in spending hundreds of millions of dollars to test and get FDA approval for a mineral supplement that can be produced by anyone, cannot have a patent and sells for just $20 for about a one year supply? ANSWER: They wouldn’t! It just doesn’t make economic sense. So, if you want a double blind study or FDA approval, it would have to be funded by a philanthropist who is willing to donate the money for the trials. So far, Jim Humble has not found such a philanthropist despite his best efforts.
But, for me, I don’t need those trials. The results I have experienced speak for themselves and make me a believer in MMS. I don’t really trust the FDA since so many of the “fast tracked” drugs they’ve approved have resulted in so many deaths. The FDA is interested in supporting big pharma, not supplements and vitamins.
I used to place all of my trust in doctors and follow everything they told me to do. I no longer do that. No doctor even thought to ask me about travels to foreign countries. Had they just asked, they’d have realized I probably picked up a parasite. How could I not? I was primitive camping in the jungles of Venezuela! So, I now seek alternative medicine first and, if that doesn’t work, then I go to “modern medicine”. Although, with MMS, I think modern medicine will only be needed for setting broken bones and other things that aren’t caused by parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc.
Good luck to all in your journey to good health! I’m looking forward to finally having my health back!
Take care,
I use MMS. I don’t have a major testimony – mainly because I am generally healthy (not symptomatic of anything serious). Here is what MMS does for me:
1. I got rid of dandruff. Ever since being a teenager, I’ve had dandruff and just couldn’t get rid of it. Various shampoos and oils didn’t work. Well, about two months ago, I read that dandruff is caused by bacteria (I always thought it was just the result of dry scalp). The same night that I read this, I washed my hair with MMS. The dandruff was completely gone after the one wash. I used to brush my hair and watch the dandruff fall like snow. Now I can literally scrape my scalp with a rigid comb, and no flakes appear. I expected the MMS to get rid of the dandruff, but was surprised that it took just ONE wash. BTW, the mixture was 20 drops of MMS and two and a half teaspoons of lemon juice.
2. I got rid of shaving bumps and acne. Acne is caused by bacteria that is trapped in the pores. Shaving bumps occur when growing hair gets trapped underneath the skin, with bacteria that sets up infection. I started washing my face with MMS every other day. I have not had a single shaving bump since I started washing my face with MMS. The in-grown hairs still occur, but there are no bumps. The acne is vurtually gone – I get an occasional whitehead. The clearness of my skin has improved so much so that my son and daughter took notice, and now they wash their faces with MMS. All bumps on their faces were gone after only two washes.
3. Got rid of bad breath. For years I’ve brushed my teeth with hydrogen peroxide, toothpaste, and then rinse with a mouthwash. Even after all of this, I would wake up in the morning with a very slight touch of morning breath. The very first time I brushed with MMS, the odor was completely gone. I didn’t brush with MMS again just to see how long I could go before the odor would start to come back – 3 days. Now I brush every other day with MMS, and I can be confident when socializing with others that I don’t have stinky breath.
4. A sore on my penis healed. This is not an STD. I used Shower-To-Shower brand body powder that dried out my skin to the point that the skin cracked. It wouldn’t heal for months because whenever I bathed, the scab would come off. I drank some activated MMS – that particular dose was 15 drops of MMS and 75 drops of lemon juice). The dose was to much for me – I vomited profusely for 10 min and had diarrhea for the remainder of the day. Well, two days later I noticed that the sore on my penis was completely healed.
I admit that this isn’t exactly a jaw-dropping testimonial (like “my three oz. tumor dissolved in two days”). But, again, I’m generally in good health – I use MMS as one af many tools to stay that way.
You may think this is not significant, but these kinds of situations affect MILLIONS MORE people than cancer and other “major” issues. The fact is that we’re all on a single continuum of health, experiencing a level of healthiness, or unhealthiness. The factors that influence where any individual may be in that matrix, are fairly common for us all. Labeling various symptoms and pathologies as “diseases” leads people to believe that they are not related, so that they feel free to “tune out” when someone talks about a problem that isn’t theirs.
Thank you for your openness. This will help many people to CAN definitely relate to this.
Best wishes,
Big oops there folks, the blog is not, what was I thinking? Yes I used the same name there as here, if you want a few laughs, drop by.
I waltzed over to the other day to find out if they had anyone with lyme disease that had tried MMS present or past…big mistake there.
Being pounced upon for asking a simple question then reading me the riot act over my website etc. etc. etc. and accused of all sorts of heinous actszz, because I give my pets diluted MMS.
I also give them steam treatments using MMS when needed for upper respiratory infection(accused of animal experimentation just for trying to help a pet with an illness that vets say euthanize for–I lost several before I got MMS).
I have never had such a lousy reception on a blog in 10 years of being online. Attacked unmercifully from day 1…geeze.
Apparently the resident health crew that sits there on their haunches waiting for “fresh meat” was aroused by my visit….to the point of harassing me endlessly and belittling what I do for pets and everything else that I have tried using MMS.
Folks if you want information on anyone out there that might have tried MMS for anything and think that you can go blogging about it….don’t expect any open mindedness…but do make sure that you carry your shield for all of the anti-MMS rhetoric out there.
No wonder more folks don’t try it…with med peeps calling it bleach and comparing it to drinking lysol etc. etc. etc…oh geeze!
Still drinking MMS and loving it.
all 4 of my cats are using it, for weeks now, as needed.
bad breath GONE but NOT forgotten! yay. kissable kitties!
2 who had eye infections from flea infestation (for months, 1 for aover a year on and off, never went away) which regular vet meds (cillen this cillen that) made things worse for that 1 and temporarily (temporarily) helped the other… now both are fine again thanks to mms!!! HEALED!
it works.
wait, or find out for yourself NOW.
I believe both sides have made truthful statements as well as misguided and/or misleading ones.
There is no one cure-all and anyone who thinks there is is missing the “front-end” of chronic health problems: diet, emotional imbalances, imbalanced behaviors (too much sex, over-work, etc).
The bottomline of my point: There must be some good to MMS or it wouldn’t have gotten this far, placebo-effect taken into account. Placebo last for a while, but I have seen longer effects here. On the other hand, a depleted patient with a set of digestive frailty and liver issues may meet their demise by using MMS…get it?
Don’t make risky or sensitive health decisions via the internet alone…get different sources and then and only then, listen to your mind and gut (another part of the brain and mind).
Good luck and be well,
Paul Gerst L.Ac.
Greetings Paul, welcome, and thank you for your sage advice.
Best wishes,
well what about the many cases of near death cases where mms provided the cure?how bad where their livers?you dont need to over do it,but in some cases go need to spend more research time and watch the videos,and read the pdfs.there is ,in my opinion no placebo effect.mms works,the science proves doesnt cure all,just 985 of themm.
Hi Adam,
what happened?
my question about MMS working against chlamydia and mycoplasma got erased.
I posted it two days ago and saw it on the board till yesterday – now it’s nowhere.
Please, could you still give me your point of view on:
the effect of MMS on:
I’m not sure about what happened to your first question, but thank you for writing again. When you appreciate how the chlorine dioxide molecule works, and the chemical nature of each of the organisms that you mention, the question answers itself.
Chlamydia is termed a “disease,” due to the bacterium, chlamydia trachomatis, which is part of a bacterial family classified as a pathogen. Although they have no cell walls, mycoplasmas are also pathogens. Caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria, gonorrhea shares, with the other two, a penchant to proliferate in an oxygen deficient environment. At present, medical science ignores the environment in which pathenogenesis is triggered, and occurs, yet, Louis Pasteur claimed on his death bed that the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.
MMS/chlorine dioxide addresses the terrain that these and other pathogens proliferate in, by introducing high amounts of negatively charged oxygen ions into the environment and reacting only with pathogens which themselves are positively charged. This electrostatic relationship causes the pathogens to release up to five of their electrons. They don’t have a choice in this. It’s not optional. There are no MRSA-type pathogens in this kind of dynamic. A pathogen may “morph” (pleomorphism), but it cannot change its electrostatic nature. It will always be positively charged. As such, it will always be subject to oxidation.
Best wishes and regards,
Double-blind studies are routinely performed by people who have zero economic interest by very, very poor creatures known as “grad students” on everything from Vitamin C to DCA, and all other manner of cheap, readily attainable substances. If you don’t trust your doctor, mosey on over to PubMed and print out for the next visit.
Project Camelot is at best a misinformation mill–Edgar Cayce? Hello? did you militia-types not notice that Cayce’s Atlantis schtick came directly from some One-World-Government types?–and Humble is a gold miner. Do you get it?
You ARE naive Dude.
You suggest that people who perform double-blind studies have no economic interest… they all do. The study doesn’t get funded if they can’t produce an outcome that the funding entity, usually a pharmaceutical company, wants. These people want to pay their bills… and in the case of grad students who are even more naive than you, they want to get jobs when they graduate.
Before you go off criticizing people you don’t know, ask yourself why you don’t demonstrate the courage to reveal yourself, but stand behind such dehumanizing self-descriptors as “dude” and chimp marmoset. The marmoset is cute as a bug, but you do its name a disservice. The state of our ideas about health today are too important to trivialize, especially when the predominant solutions make people sicker if they don’t kill them. How you could criticize people who clearly see where the problem is, and are seeking viable solutions, simply shows you’re still asleep at the wheel in your own health consciousness.
You’ll have your day, and your opportunity to awaken, as will we all.
What a waste of my time… If you are skeptical, you are to cheap to buy the $12 book with all the answers… I had a world athletic level friend who was skeptical about everything… we burried him 4 years ago. This argument is as good as yours.
you are fired agent somedude.your weak attempt at disinfo merits your immediate termination from one of our three letter agencies,and our not-on-the-map military bases for internet warfare and mind control.
maby you can write for a catering agency or a clown school.
by the way,may you also get very sick and go to a doctor.
bet you are on mms before you die, sucker — er — dude, your sooooooooooo coooooool.
I don’t have a doctor. I don’t believe the FDA has any integre=ity what-so-ever. I also don’t take any credence in statements made by spineless intellectuals who use a number instead of their name I intend to buy some of Jim Humbles product and ntry it myself. Fotunately I am a healthy individual of 71 years who is in good health because I don’t take tany of the toxic medicines approved by the FDA.
There’s a HUGE MMS thread on the project avalon group ( ) I think 17 pages or so.
My findings are that people who are so insistent on double blind studies (and I’d be really surprised if anyone could double blind MMS, the smell is soooo very obvious) – are those who have bought the medical model hook, line, and sinker.
Having worked in and around that field, I am sometimes more skeptical of that field than I am of some alternative medicines.
I have no financial interest in MMS, other than using it, and have found it very helpful in a wide range of problems. I currently have my cat on it (after a round of antibiotics for a staph infection made him sicker than he was to start).
MMS is a permanent part of my medical “chest” and given what I think is going to be happening with the pharmaceutical industry over the next 12 months, may well be the best choice I’ve ever made.
Hi Pam,
More and more people are learning that double blind studies generally prove nothing, especially when you’re not measuring whether the chemical being studied actually solves the medical problem that it purports to solve. I wonder what double blind studies were done with Coumadin, which began life as a rat poison, but gained FDA approval as a blood thinner. The FDA will allow rat poison to be administered to humans, when in fact, too viscous blood is a sign of DEHYDRATION, which can be helped by MMS, and more fundamentally, by drinking STRUCTURED WATER. The public has a lot of waking up to do because too many are dying while putting their lives in the hands of modern medicine.
Best wishes,
dont the quack docs use a weak form of activated mms called dioxychlor?
You can also go to to purchase MMS, the latest book that I recommend everyone read, and the DVD.
If you want a good source of MMS go to MMS Professional™ is the only professional grade MMS on the market, manufactured by an FDA certified GMP compliant Nutraceutical company and packaged with the utmost attention to quality and safety.
thanks for the AD dshegar ralph
hey vex!
I have no doubt you will benefit from this, with or without faith. This stuff is pure science on how it works, so just move forward.
I was referring to people having a lack of faith in products or people, not God. I do have faith in God myself, but that path has led me here. I do not go forward with any kind of faith healing.
Clorine Dioxide is best purchased from a source like BetterMMS. com so you can measure it out accurately. More is no necessarily better. Go to and enter mms on the search line. Remember though, that it will come down to just you and no one else, and you will have to decide what you will do. Do this.
Chlorine dioxide only attacks acidic microbiology which are pathogens, viruses, mold, spores, and drugs. Your own flesh and organs are alkaline, and will not be affected.
Do yourself a favor, and learn about this, and move forward. When I pray, I will remember you in your sickness. Just remember, you can heal yourself.
Ok, ive read Jim Humbles entire book, and i do not doubt that MMS is an effective killer of pathogens, and yes Chlorine dioxide is an extremely effective method for sterilizing water . . . but you do not want to sterilize your stomach . . . The most obviously bogus claim made by Humble is the selectivity of MMS for only things that are bad . . . This claim has been repeated on this blog. There are many beneficial microorganisms inhabiting our body, and Chlorine dioxide has no mechanism for discriminating between these and harmful microorganisms. Furthermore, the implication that it targets only things that are acidic in nature and therefore “bad” is absurd. Bacteria thrive in both acidic and basic environments, so how would MMS target pathogens that arent acidic? Furthermore many areas of the body are acidic. Please people, learn a little basic chemistry, don’t just take Jim Humbles word for it. A lie repeated 1,000 times is still a lie. If you study even a little acid-base and redox chemistry, you will realize that nothing in Jim Humble’s book adequately explains how MMS does what it is purported too. Basic clinical trials could be done in a high school chemistry lab to prove or disprove many of Humble’s claims, yet he presents no real evidence. Anecdotal assertions are no evidence. You can find anecdotal support for anything you want, especially on the internet where unsubstantiated claims prevail.
MMS probably does have real potential as pathogen killer in certain circumstances and applications. Its a shame unsubstantiated claims interfere with legitimate research and debate.
Dear Sam,
You would be far more credible if you said that you are not aware of how chlorine dioxide can discriminate between beneficial and harmful microorganisms. Unless you have looked into the entirety of possible interaction methods, you don’t know that a claim is “bogus.”
I agree with you that the terms, “good” and “bad” are inappropriate in the discussion.
The aerobic or anaerobic nature of the microorganism determines its electrical and vibrational charge. That electrical charge determines whether chlorine dioxide “goes off,” or whether it does not. It is indeed possible for an aerobic microorganism to live in the acidic ocean that is the stomach, and not be oxidized by a negatively charged chlorine dioxide, but oxidize a positively charged parasite, virus, or bacterium.
Whether you are satisfied with Jim Humble’s claims, he has articulated them sufficiently enough to get people, including a growing number of doctors and researchers, to see the application’s potential, and to major beneficial effect. We routinely dismiss positive information as “anecdotal” and then accept and even rationalize bogus concepts presented by the medical establishment simply because they ran through all of the FDA’s hoops and paid the high cost of approval, yet they rely on strategies that toxify the body and take it further out of balance, and away from health.
MMS hasn’t harmed anyone — even people who take stupid amounts of it — and has shown itself to be an effective way to do something that is very important when a person has a chronic condition, i.e., reduce pathogen overgrowth, which brings the body back toward balance. If you have better suggestions, we’re all ears.
I just ordered a pound of dry MMs and a pound of citric acid to make my own solution. After reading this thread I am becoming more skeptical. Are the claims being made that it is better to have blind faith, like the bible, then to have double blind placebo included in scientific research? Oh no, I think I may have made a mistake. I am grasping at straws because I have a life threatening disease. How does it tell the good bacteria from the bad? How can such a small amount make a difference considering the amount of water in the body?
Faith is for the blind. You can have as much faith, trust or prayer as you can muster but that can not affect physical reality. Either it works or it is just more money making quackery. Hopefully my lack in faith will not affect the trial I am desperately going to give this stuff. If it requires more than the chemical, well I had better start going back to church.
Just try it… stop reading and act !
there is a 5 page pdf online that explains the science behind this convinced my phd me and i will give u the address or the file.
that pdf is here (if the same):
btw, vex, you bought way more than 1 person would need in a lifetime of good health.
just $25 supply lasts over a year!
if a $25 investment to change your life/health around is money making quackery,
i am missing something.
One more thing, being skeptical by nature can be a barrier to true healing in most cases. Negativity is always a barrier, because every word that leave this type of person’s mouth is a self fulfilling prophesy.
Faith in some one or something is a blessing and a gift you some how receive. If you have never received such a gift, the future can seem bleak. It is through having trust and faith that the good things due are delivered.
I heard of the mms through my chiropractor who had just cured several of his patients of Candida with several small doses. At that time, I had developed severe flu symptoms, you know, shivers, congestion, sore throat, hoarse, aches. After one dose, those symptoms were all gone by morning!
It doesn’t take a double blind study for me to know that it works. I live my life trusting people having faith. I am grateful that Jim Humble has risked his reputation and his life for this information. This MMS gives hope to very sick people, and just that alone is worth so much!
i have read much about mms and am very interested in trying it out for myself. can you provide other websites and maybe chat room or other so that i can do more research before i try the product. basically, i don’t want to take it and have a reaction that is negative. also, is there scientific evidence about the “detoxing effect” and what it does to the body? i have read many articles that explain that you may feel “worse” before you get better, but i have not found any scientific evidence that can actually show that the ill effects are in fact toxins being released and then being excreted out of the body. again, i am extremely interested, but still minimally skepitical. why is this product not more widely advertised? i would think that if everything is true about the product, then why don’t we go out and give it to everyone? thank you for your time.
quote: “why is this product not more widely advertised?” unquote
Another that did not spend $12 to have all the answers.
Thank you for your contribution. Despite the fear, the public is learning about MMS, and how it can be of best benefit.
Theo, thank you for your thoughts. See my response in my new post.
Best wishes,
One more thing for the skeptics,,,I am a very intelligent woman,,who reads,,checks out,, and watches very carefully the intentions of others,,since I have a parapalegic,,bed-bound,,wheelchair bound husband,,who occasionally has to struggle for his life,,,,so I know about all the side-effects of “Pharm’s meds” since my husband has to take about 20 of them twice a day to make his body function,,,but more importantly, I have watched all of the terrible side effects that have occurred that was so called “tested” by the FDA,,, that was never stated on any of these medicines,,, there has been equal damage along with the “help you get thru this problem” medicine. Just in case you thought a KOOK, or unintelligent being was speaking,,,,,again , I am more than impressed with a man like Jim Humble who wasn’t afraid to let the world know that something actually works, against the people who have nothing better to do all day than discredit something that could help people get well,,,,Thankyou for reading
Jim,,I forgot,,,you can hide out here if ,,,,, well,,,you need to hide out,, because,, I do believe your end comment,,
Maybe it’s just me,,,( but I suspect there are millions out there ),,, that ” governments that be” are very intwined with “Pharma’s that be”,,and do not want people to be cured , very quickly,, it will upset the “King Pin families” around the world,, since they own everything,,including the Pharma’s, in the world,,, They could lose a lot of money,,,power,,,and control..!!. Personally,,I say,,May God Bless Jim Humble with his incredible find,,,and I plan to order and use this new discovery. I believe there is something natural in our invironment to cure everything..God Bless you Jim
karin.the 13 families want to kill 90% of the worlds people.its sorcery and science.listen to tim rifat on the jeff rense show.its facinating,their beliefs and its what really drives world events.its in the archives and once a month.
they will ban mms.
Adam, you’ve never heard of the “placebo effect”? People trying it for themselves and feeling better may indicate there’s something worth investigating, but it is no demonstration of efficacy. Efficacy can only be demonstrated when you have placebo control.
A double blind randomized trial would easily do this and would be extremely easy to set up and run.
I’d love to know the title of a published paper that shows this?
I’d love to see some independent verification?
With independent verification you’d win the noble prize for medicine…
If it’s so easy why don’t you run one.
god these pharma paid shils.
what a rotten life they must have.
pathetic theo.
yeah… still waitng for that triple blind study??
yeah, good luck with that.
you can die waiting for that.
just try it america.
I am still taking MMS although I have reduced the dose somewhat. Now instead of taking 20 drops a day I am taking 10 in a soda(soda acidifies the MMS and gets rid of that taste).
I take mine in a diet coke knockoff(diet bubba cola).
I am now treating a kitten with a weak spray solution for some spotty ringworm(day 2).You have to watch about the strong solution on the skin because of the alkaline burn that can happen if left on the skin.
The finger infection is healed and is scarred up now as the flesh reforms(could have been a lot worse).
I am now treating some minor skin problems with a weak solution on myself.
Thank you for this forum.
I am currently using MMS. I have a blog on my journey with MMS at
I unknowingly purchased a product that contains MMS for my cats, out of desperation for something that would help me, as I deal with strays quite a bit and cat rescues.
I have had several pets diagnosed as untreatable by the veterinarian establishment here, and had to watch them die,one by one, after spending a lot of money on vet visits and antibiotics etc.
MMs has a long shelf life, which is good for me in case of emergencies.
I started using the product after reading that it would kill viruses and other assorted pathogens in the body.
When I read about acidifying the product after googling the sodium chlorite and finding jim humbles’ information and others, I started using it acidified. I also purchased some 28 percent MMS as well and started using that as soon as it arrived.
I posted all about this whole affair on my blog that is ongoing.
Today, several weeks later I have been healed of some sort of extensive lung infection that was bothering me but that I really was unaware of because of lack of actual coughing symptoms(just increasing problems breathing at night), and a black infected wound on my finger that was making a vein trail up my arm that took over my body suddenly overnight.
On the infected wound, I used jims spray recipe, and that is all on the wound repeatedly and kept taking MMS late into the night.
I sit here several days later with my bleached out wound, with the pain and redness gone, and no more vein trail(blood infection)up my arm.
My lungs are completely cleared of whatever was in them. My life is totally changed by this material because that is all that I have taken during this whole affair, no other meds or vitamins.
I have critics on my blog as well, and I say that they have a right to criticize, but I have a right to post on my journey with MMS. Thank you Jim.
Dear John,
Since further response from me is of no value to you, it may perhaps be helpful to others who read this thread.
Let’s be clear on one thing: Jim Humble’s book is NOT evidence of the validity of his claims.
It is only a claim, just as the Bible represents a claim to be the word of God. It represents, and points you in, a direction of thinking, just like the Bible. Thinking always precedes action.
The actual evidence of the validity of the concept — whether we’re talking about God, or MMS — is one’s actual confirming EXPERIENCE. This only comes by weighing one’s own feelings and choosing to act, and *apply* the concept in his or her life. That is the only way one can *know*.
Believing what’s in the Bible will NOT confirm or verify the existence of God. That too is a profoundly personal EXPERIENCE. KNOWING is born from experience.
The Gary’s from Texas and Linda’s from Oregon of the world KNOW what they’re talking about because they have experienced benefits, something you — or anyone who entrenches themself in a cocoon of skepticism — will never be able to have unless you also weigh the information and make a decision to trust… not Jim Humble, but YOUR SELF… trust your own judgment, and be responsible for your own decision.
We can’t intellectualize knowing, and *data* presented by anyone else — whether a researcher or our friends from Texas and Oregon — will not validate anything for US… that is, unless WE think it’s valid. And even then, it won’t BE valid unless we’re in full integrity with respect to our own intention, faith, belief, and commitment. These are all immeasurables that won’t appear in any scientific study, but are critical to the realization of any worthwhile goal.
Whatever your decision, I wish you the best.
“Jim Humble’s book is NOT evidence of the validity of his claims”
—It’s not? I thought 75,000 malaria cures was exactly that.
“The actual evidence of the validity of the concept — whether we’re talking about God, or MMS — is one’s actual confirming EXPERIENCE. This only comes by weighing one’s own feelings and choosing to act, and *apply* the concept in his or her life. That is the only way one can *know*.”
—So you’re saying without this mystical faith you can neither have your cure to your ailments via MMS or God?
—You could use this same arguement to rationalize someone to drink hummingbird blood from the shell of a snail to cure a lisp because it worked on a fella from Nantucket.
—You’re saying proof is in the trying it yourself, not with evidence.
I’m going to have to agree with John….
your loss.
still refusing better health???
Thankyou for the time you took to respond.
Whilst I thought you were sort of missing some of my points, or at least glossing over them a bit, I was actually beginning to think you yourself made some good ones.
However, after reading your last paragraph, I’m inclined to give more weight to the advice you offer in the first sentence of your first paragraph!
It seems that the essence of your argument is that intelligent people are willing to take personal risks whereas to ask for some kind of evidence indicates a lack of independent free thinking. I would submit the reverse is more accurate.
I understand how many people confuse advertising budgets and celebrity endorsements for credibility and verisimilitude. Eg the laundry powders’ enzymes MUST work because the guy on the ad wore a white lab coat AND glasses, or these vitamin pills or glucosamine supplements must work because an olympic runner swears by them. I’m not that gullible. That’s not at all what I’m waiting for and I’m disappointed you would presume that it is.
Unfortunately your offer of Mr Humbles book as evidence of the validity of his claims is, to me, akin to offering the Bible as evidence of Gods’ existence. I’m sure you’ll see my point.
To sum up, I think I shall take your advice in the paragraph “Again, I understand… but getting back to that word “intelligent”… a discerning mind will weigh the information without prejudice, and decide what is best for the individual”. I couldn’t have put it better myself.
Incidentally I like how you start off appreciating my skepticism, and end up not caring about it. That alone made it worth reading! lol Now, I’m off to watch some Benny Hinn…..
Again, thanks for your time. I’ll not waste any more of it. No need for a response.
Best Wishes.
can you read?
can you??
AND THEN YOUR DAMN ANSWERS WILL BE… READ so you won’t have your wittle ego shattered here again. ever.
JESUS! why are people so fucking stupid????
You don’t need a 100 million dollar FDA approved study to determine whether MMS works. If that’s what you require then forget it, because they can’t patent sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide, hence no study.
However, what you can do is some research on your own..You seem like an intelligent , articulate person..Do a little detective work on the effects of chlorine dioxide on the body. Is it toxic, if it is, how toxic? How much can the body safely take ? What constitutes a lethal dose ?
What is the chemistry, how does it respond to the body, what does it breakdown into in the body? You can find all that information yourself and then also see if there are any doctors who are using MMS. What do they have to say about it ..You might have to email a few people, maybe even make a few long distance phone callls.
I’ve been in contact with Jim in the past, when I was living and studying in Cairo Egypt..I had a bottle shipped to me there, and I gave it to a friend of mine who works with refugees..He’s a Catholic priest.
According to my friend, although I wasn’t there to witness it, two Sudanese infected with malaria were cured. It’s been two years since I’ve heard from him..but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still using it.
What we need is a person like Adam or my self , to go to Africa with a good video camera and film , document hundreds of people infected with malaria , taking MMS and curing themselves. An online video archive of cases, before and after..well documented..the doctor , the actual medical transcripts..all of video recorded.
He or she is infectred with malaria..takes more malaria. Do that a few hundred times , and that will pretty much settle it.
Hello John,
I appreciate your skepticism, but if you wait for “recognized authorities” outside of yourself to verify its efficacy, you might as well stop looking now. If there’s efficacy to the MMS protocol, it is something that YOU YOURSELF can decide.
There are countless protocols and procedures available that the “recognized authorities” have dismissed, if not suppressed, simply because their efficacy would upset a very profitable apple cart.
I’m not suggesting this this is happening now. I’m only saying that you can determine the efficacy of MMS (or lack thereof) without waiting for someone to tell you, and make it “okay.”
There will be more scientific evidence to support *this* application, but you can read quite a bit about chlorine dioxide and what it does. Once you understand that, simply reduce the concentration and imagine a microcosmic application (as compared to municipal and industrial applications), to conceive the possible outcomes *for you*.
Mr. Humble didn’t fail to recognize the importance of validating his claims. He wrote a book. People read it (myself included), then decided it was safe enough to try. Then they got THEIR OWN results… much of which has been phenomenal, and has served to verify the efficacy of Humble’s claims.
Intelligent people are also open minded, and willing to be responsible for their own judgment. There is plenty information (and misinformation) available to help an individual decide.
Again, I understand… but getting back to that word “intelligent”… a discerning mind will weigh the information without prejudice, and decide what is best for the individual.
I’ll tell you this: There are many messages being broadcast from “well respected” sources for various pharmaceuticals that do absolutely nothing for one’s health, and yet they are not questioned or challenged. If you are not willing to look beyond the surface, and what is “acceptable” to mainstream thought, then this is not for you.
If this were true, it would say more about the state of the U.S., and of the man. Mr. Humble hasn’t misrepresented himself or misled anyone. Yet, in the land of “free speech,” speaking truthfully about health matters is perceived to be dangerous. Yet you don’t seem bothered by that.
Perhaps for you. But if you have cancer, or warts, this is going to be of interest.
Yes, I remember it. Thalidomide was not introduced by an old codger who lives in Mexico. It was researched and tested.
In 100’s of thousands of uses, there have been *NO* deaths or other unfathomable effects from MMS. However, there is a growing body of POSITIVE RESULTS, none of which will mean anything to you if you don’t put your doubts and fears aside and simply decide what you’re going to do.
It’s not untested. If a man or woman in a white coat uses it on someone, and reports the results, those people could be Gary from Texas, or Linda from Oregon. People are people. Being a doctor doesn’t make one knowledgable about this, but not being a doctor doesn’t make one unqualified to understand it.
With all due respect John, your attitude will do you much more harm than MMS ever will. Each one of these people have not only the courage to change their habits, but the willingness to share what they’ve learned. What could you ever learn without people like that?
We certainly can’t learn anything through skepticism, except how to not learn anything new.
No one cares about your skepticism. People who want to reclaim their health will have the courage to make their own decision, and stand behind it. The “research” that you require simply gives you more reason not to do, or try something new.
Best wishes,
I am using MMS with 32yrs case of lyme disease.
SEVERE infection.
I resorted to buying a phase contrast micro and I see the results.
Dramtic improvment over ABX.
We then tested the mms directly under a scope, we saw the bugs RUNNING out of the red cells.
Our test is not scientific, but it appears that MMS has merit.
I am staying on it. It appears to work as stated, abosrbed into red cells where taz comes out to zaps bugs dead.
A friend of mine brought this product to my attention and I am curious as to why there is no mention of verifiable evaluations by recognised authorities such as the FDA or similar. I feel that if it is indeed as good as claimed, then surely there would be some scientific evidence to support it.
I cannot see how Mr Humble could fail to recognise the importance of this step in validating his claims! Given peoples natural desire for information, especially regarding health and medicinal products, he can hardly be surprised that intelligent people are skeptical of anything claimed to be “miraculous”.
I don’t mean to sound nasty, but can you not appreciate how this sounds like snake oil?
A man living in Mexico, citing hundreds of thousands of happy customers mostly in 3rd world countries sounds like a man avoiding legal consequences in a more regulated society such as the US. Testimonials on his website from “Gary in Texas” and “Linda from Oregon”, claiming it’s cured everything from warts to cancer hardly constitutes compelling evidence.
Despite my misgivings, my friends’ attitude is one of “oh well, just try it and see”. Well I seem to recall that in the late 50’s/early 60’s an antiemetic was commonly given to pregnant women to combat morning sickness. It was not adequately tested regarding safety and this led to tragic results. Anyone remember Thalidomide?
Now I’m certainly not saying MMS or ClO2 is necessarily in the same league, but I’m sure it illustrates my point about ingesting an untested substance…
I would very much like to try it, but, with respect, I will need some scientific evaluation more credible than that of Gary from Texas and Linda from Oregon, who could well be a couple of kooks!
I look forward to having my skepticism proven unfounded.
Best Wishes
Hi Jim,
Why do people ask stupid questions when everything is in The Book ?
Now I know why Jim repeats 72 times the formula in his book… Some will still screw it up.
I don’t care about others opinions, whatever you do in life you cannot please everybody, so i make my own opinions/experiments.
I weigh 315 pounds, I’m 6’2″. I smoke a lot… yeah yeah yeah, I read somewhere it’s not healthy… I bet all of you posters are perfect…
Anyway, I use to cough a lot in the morning. I used the MMS formula EXACTLY like Jim says. 4 days later no caugh anymore and I mean NO caugh all day.
I also have very bad circulation in my legs and it is painfull, I use pain killers and over 200 Advil per month. After day 5, no more pain in the legs. And a little bonus, I lost 8 pounds doing nothing.
What a waste of time to answer these pseudo scholars/educated morons or maybe they are to cheap to spend $12 for the book ? All the answers are in it…or maybe you don’t want to read it because you wont be able to bitch anymore on something you never even read about.
Some say there are no stupid questions. Well I say there are stupid questions, just read blogs and forums like this one. Stupid questions come from stupid people.
Jim I support you anytime, anywhere.
I used it and I cured it.
did you say fda?
the gov agency where ITS OWN SCIENTISTS are suing it because of FALSEFYING many,many tests,and data?
how dumb are you really?
please keep this in mind at all times. thank you
I have two daughters with Lyme disease. I am very interested in what I’ve been reading here–and naturally skeptical. I always want to explore all sides. Open scientific debating is essential. The personal attacks are a waste of precious time. Please stick to the facts, everyone. And please, cite your sources–especially when you’re keeping yourself anonymous! Thank you. And please, continue on.
How are your daughters doing? Its been a year, did they e ver get over their Lymes?
Bruce’s issue is not in reading your book. His citing passages from the book is clear evidence that he’s reading it. However, his INTENT is to discredit YOU and dissuade people from using the protocol YOU developed. He feels upstaged.
He wants to be “King of Sodium Chlorite,” and have people use HIS methods… although he doesn’t have any. Yet he still wants to be king.
So his purposes are not the same as yours, and his interpretation of the information you’ve provided will be different. Since you appear to have the kingdom of MMS cornered, he’s jealous.
He hasn’t noticed that people are benefiting from your suggestion (or just doesn’t care).
He hasn’t developed or tested any derivatives or alternatives that are more effective, or even equally so. So he bitches.
No need to lose sleep over that.
Bless him.
None of these issues have anything to do with whether chlorine dioxide is safe, or effective in the application that JIM HUMBLE developed.
Even the tests that you cite have little meaning, since the chemistry of the body in which the MMS is entering must also be factored in, which is impossible to do. You will not find understanding in a petri dish.
Ultimately, what matters is whether IT WORKS for the person using it. Your protests and accusations to the contrary have little value. If it didn’t WORK, and if the science didn’t support that likelihood, this forum wouldn’t exist, and I’d be rambling on about something else.
Given your knowledge of, and experience with chlorine dioxide, YOU could have seen the potential of this application, but DIDN’T.
Attacking the man who did won’t change that. It won’t make you more credible either. I’m sure if someone chose to look into your life, they’ll find what you think of as “skeletons” too. Fact is, no one is interested in that.
You’re not persuading anyone when so many peoples’ actual experience DEMONSTRATES that the protocol does indeed work, and is safe as directed, and IS HELPING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE REDUCE THEIR PATHOGEN LEVELS, which is improving their state of health.
You’ll gain far more credibility by acknowledging the benefit than by trying to discredit someone else whose thesis is being proven to more people each day.
Best wishes,
hey everybody,lets collectivey use our internet sleauthing,and find out just who bruce really is AND which big pharma company pays him.!!
And if you want you can read where Tom responds to Jims false accusations on,,
An answer why, MMS uses and claims were reviewed by a Dr. with a PhD in lieriture would be better. Or, where the Dr is the initials of Dennis Richards, site owner, or books being rewritten by a Dr. with a PhDtH, whats that? Or tell us about the Religious Freedom Trust scam! Or why all the different stories don’t add up, like below.
Or • “In 1996, Jim used MMS to cure his own severe case of malaria, when he was in his mid-60s in Guyana (with proof from his hospital administered blood tests before and after MMS treatment)”.
Above is a quote from a Humbbell site, yet his book says it was his men he treated!
• I gave them both a healthy dose of the stabilized oxygen in some water and they drank it straight down. I thought, that’s all I can do for now; we’ll just have to wait for the runners to return
Any one wanting to see my answer to Bruce and his statements look under Answers to critics on my Web Site . Instead of stating rubbish all he has to do is read my book. The evidence and data where he can find where Sodium Chlorite has been use for 20 years is all there.
Jim Humble
I just watched the youtube video by Adam Abraham. While listening to Adam read the letter from Bruce the thoughts that were coming up were these, Bruce has ALOT of fear. It is MY CHOICE to use MMS. So Bruce, quit infringing your fear and negative energy.
In Spirit
Crow Lady
maybe the 2 or 3 hundred thoausand people that have successfully used mms will debate this very publicly bruce….
Humble is in fairy land, the holes in what he say’s are that big, any way this is best
Debate me humble-publicly
piss on you bruce.
may you get any desease,AND go to a doctor.
I really don’t know if it is proper for me to reply to this post as I normally wouldn’t even acknowledge this level of negativity. However what I have to say is more for those who might miss the boat being influenced by your comment. I have used MMS to treat a couple of different situations in my own life….WITH SUCCESS! I cannot speak for the experience of others…..only my own. Works for me. I am curious though…..have you actually used the solution?…Or you just attacking this mans work and writings with no personal experience of your own?
Thanks Adam!
I believe we’ve achieve the critical mass whereby the knowledge of MMS cannot be stopped. Somewhat like the maharishi effect.
It’s actually a good indicator when some “expert” protects their identity.
Essentially 96341 doubts his own words. Gotta love him.